36.4 Journey

I frowned as I tried my best to look further into the distant mountain before giving up completely as all I saw was more green. I guess the city was on the foot of the mountain? Or maybe it was on the other side?


"Don't remind me," Anna exasperatedly sighed as she slowly came down from the cliff we were using to get our bearings. "You've been stationed here before. Right, Mathilde?"


"Indeed," Mathilde replied, following her twin as we began our descent from the snowy terrain of the north. "It was years ago, and yet I still have dreams about it."


An uncomfortable shiver suddenly swept between the three of us. And while I didn't believe in coincidences, the way the two were commiserating about something related to the city beyond us was anxiety-inducing, to be quite honest. It felt like something bad was about to happen as soon as we got there.

In fact, did we even need to go there in the first place?


"Uhh, guys?"