The Princess looked terrified and couldn't open her mouth to say a word at first, everyone in the room was silent and stared at the goddess in horror, it appeared she was angered.

"No one and I repeat no one summons the goddess and leaves without doing what they ought to do," The goddess added and Princess Agatha laughed out loud to our astonishment.

"I can see that you are also part of the plot," Princess Agatha spoke back at the goddess and everyone's eyes widened in shock.

"Stop it now Agatha," the king yelled but Agatha was unstoppable.

" I am not stopping anything, your majesty, because it's true, how is she even a goddess, a sorceress is what she is and I fear no sorceress, for all I know she may not even be a real witch.

"Agatha!" Everyone yelled simultaneously. Even I knew that she wasn't supposed to say that especially after experiencing the powers she exhibited.