Cultured Auction Pt. I

"1 million zecta!"

"3 million zecta!"

"3.5 million zecta!"

"5 million zecta!"


The Rykerians watched in perplexion as the Earthians, laughing uncontrollably at a weapon, began bidding in the millions! And it only got more extreme!


"20 million 770 thousand zecta!"


A second of stunned silence befell the audience as the Rykerians tried to process what they had just heard. 21 million zecta could buy a mid-sized mansion! People didn't just throw around that much money for a gun with limited ammo!

Just because the elites had the money didn't mean they'd buy something so frivolous. People become ultra-wealthy when they're good with money; that purchase was the opposite!

However, their stares didn't deter the woman. Her eyes were crazed, primal even. It looked like her amygdala was shooting random shots of dopamine into her brain as she waited for confirmation.