Cultured Auction Pt. II

"9,000 zecta for the BFG!"

An explosion of laughter rocked the audience, stunning the Rykerians into not bidding.

Grey touched the mic button. "Good try."

More laughter rang out, reflexively irritating Lina Mion, who ran silent auctions. However, by request, the auction had limited commentary.

Moreover, she couldn't deny it was helping her cause—to an absurd degree.

Most of the weapons she sold had limited ammo, less than twenty rounds, many with five or fewer. Yet she was selling them for tens of millions! So she overcame her reflexive aversion.

"1 million 9,000!" A player yelled.

"2 million 9,000!"

"3 million 9,000!

"9 million 9,000!"

The Rykerians realized they were doing it again! They were so stunned by the strange laughter that they forgot to bid!

"10 million!" A Markovian tycoon yelled.

Groans came from the Earthians, hearing the streak break.

Undeterred, someone took up the mantle. "10 million 9,000!"

Cheers rang out instantly after sparking a new wave.