The Chained Half-Blood

"According to Greed, this weapon is both iconic and shockingly practical," Lina explained with a wincing expression, feeling humiliated. It wasn't the weapon that was humiliating but the format, which seemed childish and unprofessional.

"He had ten custom-modified for this event, and the acquisition process is quite peculiar," she continued. "The item is a raffle, not a bidding format."

Everyone in the audience was stunned, confused by the switch of pace.

"Everyone who wishes for a chance at this item will pay 10 million zecta," Lina explained. "Then, by Earthian custom, the raffler will spin a yellow box with a question mark in the air. It will hit the ground and break, revealing an item card.

If the item's name aligns, they will get it. Otherwise, they will receive one of 19 other items or weapons. So anyone who enters will win an item."

The players' eyes lit up like fireworks, each looking at other players, waiting to confirm.


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