The Longest Week III


▪︎Vessel Immobilization▪︎

Level: 01

Type: Automatic

Classification: Utilitarian; Human

Invocation: quédate quieto e non te movas de onde esteas

Range: 2 meters | Two (2) meters per level

Components: Caster's blood

Effect: The caster uses drawn blood and targets a single supernatural creature to which inhibits a form not its own. The duration and extent of immobilization depends on the magical power supplied by the caster and the energy resisted by the supernatural creature.


▪︎Solitary Immolation▪︎

Level: 01

Type: Automatic

Classification: Ritual; Offensive; Human

Invocation: Vincat te flamma, tuos colligat iras \ cum in conspectum veniat inimicus meum \ impetum meum superabit eos

Range: 5 meters | Five (5) meters per level

Components: Tar, 100-year-old cypress twig, venom of a mutated Ankafina Ground Snake, white phosphorus, caster's blood

Effect: Once the victim enters the hex bag's range, it will engulf the victim in flames and restrict their movements.

Deactivation: If burned in fire, the spell and hex bag will be dissolved. 



Irwin stood at the newly replaced metal-lined dummy as Ella placed a metal briefcase full of hex bags on a nearby foldable wooden table.

While Lady Anastasia had allowed access to her tomes and rare ingredients, in moderation, of course, unfortunately for Irwin, even she did not have the cypress twig and snake venom he needed for his newest spell.

As such, he had no choice but to shave off 10 Store Credit to acquire the ingredients. Spending six points to gather two portions of the mutated Ankafina Ground Snake venom and four points for two portions of century-old twigs.

This act made him fond of the new and improved Trade Store. If he had traded Woden using the old version, then he may have just used it for that Celestial Expulsion Sigil.

"Your dad called, by the way." Ella said as she finished the last bits of her preparation. "He asked if you received the Holy Oil. I said, yes, and you're now playing with it."

"I'm not playing with it! I'm testing its longevity." Irwin defended himself as he created the hex bag for Solitary Immolation spell. "Where are you going all dressed up?"

Ella puffed up her chest and waved her curly hair around. "You know, some party with some college friends."

"Ooh, co-eds. Nice. I just can't believe it."

"What? That I go to parties? I'm a party girl too, you know."

"No, that you have friends." Irwin smirked, earning a smack atop his head.

"Screw you, man. Good luck cleaning all this up!" She huffed away, leaving Irwin alone on the courtyard's training grounds.

Seeing her leave, Irwin placed all the ingredients atop the worn out leather. "Alright, let's do this. Vincat te flamma, tuos colligat iras…"

He chanted the first part of the invocation repeatedly as he pricked his finger with a pin, letting the blood fall into the ingredients. Red smoke billowed once the blood hit the ingredients.

Irwin tied up the hex bag with a twine as he engraved the spell's pentagram into the hex bag, chanting the second part of the invocation while imagining one of the metal-lined dummies being engulfed in flames. " cum in conspectum veniat inimicus meus... impetum meum superabit eos"

The hex bag lit with a purple glow, signifying the creation of the hex bag.

A smile grew on his face as he gazed at his handiwork. Most of the hex bags he used were jointly made by him and Lady Anastasia, so he was happy that his magical control had grown enough for him to actually succeed in the first try.

He placed the hex bag about three meters away from one of the metal-lined dummies and ran towards the center of the grounds. He waited for the spell to take effect when, thirty seconds later, he saw the metal armor of the dummy glow orange. 

It did not take long before the orange went to red as the leather edges of the dummy caught on flames and, soon, the whole dummy was engulfed in red-hot flames. 

With his enhanced senses, he could see a hint of rope-like flames enveloping the torso of the dummy. He noticed a similarity between that of his Flaming Whip and his spell with great interest.

It took two minutes and a half to fully incinerate the dummy, leaving only a hunk of molten metal and scorched grass around it.

"Well, that sure is powerful. Albeit a bit… stationary." He thought the spell would be more powerful if he could use it like the Flaming Whip and if the target can be chosen after the creation of the spell. "I guess that's why it's worth 60 Store Credit. At least I can train my whole preparation for every battle beforehand thing."

With the fire spell done, Irwin set his sight to the Energy Shield. He would like to have tested the immobilizing spell, but, unfortunately, he would need someone possessed. But he did know, thanks to the information seared on his brain when he consumed the spell scroll, that it was quite a power dependent spell, like that of the Curse Purger Card.

He theorized that, with his magical power, he could immobilize ghosts, low-level demons, and, maybe for a brief moment, angels. Then again, that was just a theory.

"Sine detrimento est…" He chanted the invocation repeatedly, running his magik to cover his entire body. It did not take long before a shimmering field of purple energy, barely visible under the yoke of the morning sun, covered his entire body. It did not stick to his skin, hovering barely an inch above it.

He moved his fingers and saw the energy field move alongside it. He could feel the drain on his magical power, as well as the taxing way in which he chanted the words. If this were an actual fight, then he could barely activate it.

"I guess that's why I practice."

Over the next three hours, Irwin practiced his daily magic routine, adding one more spell to his regime.

Irwin went out for lunch and checked in with Gordon, who has still had not found Anna Milton. He was fine with it, for Anna's presence in the manor would just hinder most of his plans.

He knew that if the angels figured out that he was hiding one of their former kind in his home, then they would bring down the host of heaven on him.

That's how petty they were.

Irwin drew a day to a close, not once leaving the manor in a bid for good respite. In fact, he needed it with what Joaquin put him through yesterday.

Thursday ended with no phone call.


Irwin sat at the corner of the study, his form illuminated by the lamplight above his head. He had closed the drapes because his mind still ached from last night's training.

Ella also came in late. Having been dutifully delivered by her friends at the struck of midnight. 

He chuckled as he remembered Ella's drunken stupor. The poor girl is still unconscious in his bed.

Just as he was turning a page, his phone, having been silent for almost a week, rang with a hopeful tone.

"Hello. Richard Greythorne." He answered.

"Hey, Richie-rich! I'm just checking in!" Garth's blooming voice assaulted Irwin's sensitive ears.

"Ugh, fuck. Garth, lower your register." He massaged his temples before asking for any news on his side of the fence.

"Uh, well, about that. I may have zapped the, uh, 'mosquito' I told you about." Gath dropped a bomb.

Irwin knew that the demons had spies in the NSA and other governmental agencies, so he had planned codewords for any demonic events covered on the phone or online.

Along with the codewords, were a set of protocols he established. That's why he didn't panic, "Alright. Take a vacation. About a week. Visit a local YMCA. Understood?"

Garth answered back, this time with steadiness in his voice. "By the way, I visited that church you told me about. You're right, man. The clothes on that statue, big as fuck. I've never seen anything like it."

The Wyoming Devil's Gate. Once opened by a special child, it will unleash tens of thousands of demons that will fill the bulk of Azazel's army. At least, that's what Irwin had told Garth and Gordon and what he had written down in the USB stick he gave to the Winchesters.

"That's good. Send me pictures. Make sure to check other churches, too." He instructed Garth to check the other points of the large Devil's Trap set up by Samuel Colt. "Alright. I have a call waiting. Check-in with Ella next time. Stay safe, Garth!"

"Stay safe, brother!"

Irwin ended the call and punched in the other caller. "Hello. Richard Greythorne."

"Hey, Richard. This is, uh, Sam Winchester. You, uh, told me to call you when I get a premonition? Well, I got one. And we need your help."