The Evil Twin I

Consider emotions as a deterrent to the rationale and vice versa. It involves a cycle of giving and taking, balancing both the material and spiritual domain.

What happens when one gains an ability to supersede a domain? To be rational without sentiment? To have passion with no thoughts or regard?

Now, consider Ansem Weems, a special child, but clearly not special enough to be loved by her own mother. At the beginning of his 21st birthday, strange events seem to dismember and disrupt his otherwise fine life.

Dreams of a yellow-eyed man, his mother hating him so much that she had him and her brother adopted, and so much more. At least, that's what he rationalized in his mind.

"He's dangerous, extremely dangerous. But! His ability is fucking powerful." He spoke to the phone as he drove the rental car to Harvelle's Roadhouse, where Sam Winchester told him to meet.

"Alright, fine. Just stay safe alright!" Ella said in a worried tone. "If he's that powerful, make sure to use your spells properly. Understand?"

"Yes, ma'am." Irwin chortled, saying his goodbye and ending the call. He pocketed the phone as he focused on the road, excitement coursing through his body.

He had two objectives on this trip. The first is to acquire the trust of either Ansem Weems or Anrew Gallagher, both of them powerful mind controllers. If they could train to improve and even acquire additional sets of abilities, then he would have powerful soldiers capable of tearing down demons.

In the show, Andrew could project images in people's brains. A utilitarian power that could help in spreading information in a world where demons run governmental agencies and angels could teleport wherever they want.

Ansem Weems, on the other hand, had clairsentience. A walking telescope with 720° vision. If he could acquire a spell that connects Ansem's vision to Andrew's mind, then he would have one of the most powerful sensors and scouts in the mortal world.

But, then again, that's a big if. A more likely scenario will be that he would only acquire one of them.

He picked up his phone once more and dialed Gordon's number. The man answered right away.


"Gordon. I'm about to get a cake from the bakery. Can you deal with the other party favors?" Irwin asked in their coded messages.

"Goddammit. What about my job here?" Gordon was irate.

"How close are you on finishing up?" He asked.

"Need a few more," Gordon replied, implying he would need a few more days until he could find Anna Milton.

"Fine. Finish it. Then return home, so you can get the cash." Irwin ordered. As long as he can give Gordon the Monster Banishing Sigil, as well as the various anti-demon paraphernalia he had prepared, then his worries would subside. "Stay safe out there."

Gordon hummed before ending the call.

"Thank your lucky stars you're a damn good hunter." He murmured deviously.

Irwin soon found himself on a beaten-down dirt path, whereupon a lonely building stood. A red truck, a couple of motorcycle bikes, and a familiar black impala were parked on the side.

Harvelle's Roadhouse.

A sanctuary for hunters. Also, the home of Ellen Harvelle and her daughter Jo.

Irwin parked next to the red truck, before opening up his glove compartment and taking out a hex bag and a revolver. Since he had given Samantha his M1911, he had to order another one from his supplier, which will take another week to arrive. Until then, he'll settle with a Smith & Wesson Model 500 revolver.

He passed by the Impala, taking a picture of it, before entering the roadhouse proper. Once inside, he clocked the sight of Sam and Dean Winchester discussing something with Ash, the resident computer genius, using his souped-up old laptop.

'I guess he's keeping MacBook all to himself.' Irwin smiled at the sight.

"Well, I'll be. Welcome back, rich boy!" Ellen Harvelle, looking gorgeous in a black T-shirt and tight jeans, greeted him as she carried a case of beers under the bar counter.

"Oh, shit! What's up, my man?" Ash waved from his seat, surprised at his appearance.

His movement startled Sam and Dean, who looked up from their seats.

"Son of a bitch."

"Good, he's here."

The boys have mixed reactions to his arrival.

"Well, good morning to all of you, too," Irwin replied calmly, a smile on his face. His gaze scanning for a hint of another person, before finally seeing a rather hefty ass bending down and operating an arcade machine. "Oh, boy. Uh, Ellen, do you have a soda?"

"I got one just for you." She replied which made Irwin glad she hadn't seen him leering on her daighter. "Why don't you settle in while I get it?"

"Thanks." Irwin walked towards the Winchesters, his eyes every so often flicking back towards Jo's form. "Thank you for calling me, Sam."

He extended his hands, which Sam took, a small smile on his face.

"I kinda had no choice. We need all the help we can get." He replied, motioning for Irwin to get himself a seat next to them. "We're just telling Ash about my vision."

"I still can't believe you got that right." Dean remarked, oddly hostile at Irwin. "What's your next party trick, teen wolf?"

Irwin grabbed a chair and sat next to Ash as he shrugged off Dean's remarks. "So, did you figure out where the child is yet?"

"I did. Just about to tell them." Ash sat on his chair like he had back problems and found one spot where the pain stops and he doesn't really want to move or else the pain will resume.

'Very weird.' Irwin kept the thought to himself. "Alright, show them the logo."

"I, uh, alright. I got a match. Blue Ridge." Ash turned the laptop to the boys, showing a bus line website with the Blue Ridge logo on the corner. "It's a bus line in Guthrie, Oklahoma."

"I guess you know that?" Dean asked, crossing his finger and looking at Irwin with a smug smile.

"Dean." Sam warned, softly scoffing at his brother, before turning to Ash and asking, "Ok. Do me a favor-"

"No demonic signs, Sam," Irwin interrupted. "If there was, then my people would be over there in a-" He snapped his fingers, making a small statement.

"Ok. W-what about a house fire-"

"In the nursery. Sam, that was written on the stick." Irwin had anticipated the doubt regarding the information written on the USB stick, so he answered Sam's question calmly. "Nursery fires are not the norm. Your mother was strong and stubborn, like your brother. She got in the way of the demon. That's why she's dead."

Sam looked like a wounded puppy, but forced on his questioning. "So there's no fire for-"

"There is. That's why I'm here." Irwin replied.

Dean scoffed, a smirk on his face. "Look, as much as we love that suit of yours, we got this covered. Alright? No offense, but you're a newbie."


"What? It's true." Dean's smirk remained in spite of his brother's admonishment.

"What's your problem with me, man?" Irwin stood from his seat, startling the other Sam, Ash and the other patrons.


"My problem? You come in here, telling us what to do with a smug look on your face. You insult Bobby, you insult my father, you insult my mother! You think just because you're rich that you can do anything, huh? You know nothing about us, about our life! The moment you get hurt, you can go to a hospital and they'll patch you right back up. We don't have that. We don't have a home to fall back into." Dean went on and on, releasing his pent-up frustration on Irwin, who took it with a calm face.

As his spiel ended, Sam had a worried look on his face while Ash had dipped out, going back to his room.

"I see." Irwin stepped back, nudging the chair back with his foot.

"Hey! No fighting." Yelled Ellen, coming back from the backroom.

Irwin paid her no heed as he gazed back at Dean, before saying, "I'm sorry."

"What?" Dean was perplexed. He was expecting the Greythorne heir to sucker punch him. Not to apologize.

"I apologize for speaking that way to your loved ones. I crossed a line. I'm only telling you what to do because I can't let you guys go head-first into danger. You'll get killed. I've already seen enough death and destruction for one person to last a lifetime. I won't have that on my conscience when I have a chance to do what's right." Irwin sat back down when he finished his words.

Dean's mouth stood agape with surprise. Sam forced him to sit down as he apologized for his brother's behavior.

"Jesus, you guys sound like a husband and wife." Ellen placed Irwin's soda atop the table. "But he's right, you know. Eventually, you'll get hurt, Richard."

Before she could say more, a customer called for her and left them alone.

"I-I'm gonna go take a breather." Dean shook his head, taking his jacket with his as he left.

"Sorry, about my brother."

"Don't worry about it." Irwin waved off his apology once more. "Since you're brother doesn't fly, I'll meet you guys in Guthrie. We'll take it from there and see if we can find this child without hurting him."

"What if they try to kill us?" Sam asked, thinking of the worst.

"I doubt it. But if the demon had gotten to them, then we'll deal with it as necessary." Irwin's reply seems to placate Sam.

He nodded and followed after his brother.

Irwin, now alone, noticed Jo looking at him with great interest. With a smirk, he sauntered towards her.

As Irwin passed by an old man, he heard the latter say, "That apology was gay as hell. HAHA!"

"Is that so?" Irwin turned back for a moment and smiled at the old man, but before the old man could respond, Irwin's fist had already hit the man's chin in a vicious uppercut. The man stumbled up and down before falling to the floor with a dull thud. "Sorry, Ellen!"

"You know I have to clean that up, right?" Jo said sarcastically, crossing her arms at Irwin.

"Don't worry. I'll help." Irwin replied, a smile on his face. "Nice song you got there"

Jo seemed surprised. "Yeah?"

"Yes. I'm Richard Greythorne, by the way. You must be Jo?"

"That I am. So, are you a fan of REO?" She asked as the tune came out of the jukebox.

"I don't know who that is. I just like the song." Irwin replied honestly, eliciting a short laugh from Jo.

"Really? C'mon. REO Speedwagon?" She asked. When she received a head shake from him, she tried to remind him by singing some parts of their song. "~I can't fight this feeling any longer.. and yet I'm still afraid to let it flow~" 

"Much as I adore your voice, I have no recollection of that song." He replied.

"And you don't know how to flirt." She muttered, before changing the conversation. "My mom told me you're, uh, a werewolf?"

Irwin laughed softly, taking a seat next to the jukebox as he gazed at her eyes. ""My uncle was the monster. But my father killed him. I killed his Sire, too. Now, I'm a hunter."

"Damn. You killed the Ancestor?" Jo smirked at him.

"You know the Ancestor?" He was perplexed.

"My dad told me the night after he came back from that hunt." Jo said with a longing look in her eyes.

"I see. He must have been a great hunter." Irwin smiled sadly.

"He was," Jo replied forlornly.

A knock on the window grabbed Irwin's gaze away from Jo as he looked at Sam motioning for him to hurry up.

"Look, much as I love to discuss my lack of artistic refinement." He said, eliciting laughter from her. "I have a job to do."

"Yeah! See you next time, then." Jo smirked at him, turning back towards the bar counter.

He looked at her back figure as she walked farther, before his eyes met those of the predatory gaze of her mothers. Irwin smiled awkwardly, looking at his watch. "Oh, would you look at that? It's time to get the fuck out!"