Love advice

Cindy Richards laughed but she still ate the food without question. She quickly took a taxi after she was done because today was a very important day for them at work.

Several actors and actresses were coming in today to get their fittings done and also to select some designs they were going to wear for the Eclipse Awards.

Everyone had been very busy and all teams were working to create the best design for them.

There were rumors that Benjamin Clarke, the top artist, was going to show up later. It was said that he already scheduled an appointment with Joanna Bloom's team.

Cindy had seen a lot of Benjamin Clarke's movies and series. She had also heard about how famous he was. If he came in here then everything would be on a standstill with people clamoring to get close to him.

Ariana Stephens had told Cindy that Benjamin Clarke always picked Joanna Bloom's designs so there was no need for the other groups to make designs but they were still asked to just for show.

Cindy arrived ten minutes earlier and quickly went to her desk. Felix Hans and Paul Jobs were already here while Ariana Stephens and Stanley Park were going to come by later after their appointment with a client.

Felix Hans smiled when he saw Cindy, "Miss Cindy, good morning?"

Cindy smiled back, "morning, you are here early!"

Felix Hans and Paul Jobs were working on separate designs. The team had been given two small artists to style so they were busy coming up with new designs for the artist to choose from. Cindy had still not been given anyone to design so she helped the rest of them whenever she could.

Felix Hans's design was very unique. He had been given a new male actor by the name of George Grey. George Grey was very popular and he liked designs that were very avant-garde and the suit Felix Hans was designing was an avant-garde masterpiece.

Felix poured his creativity into every stitch and detail, crafting a suit that transcended conventional boundaries. The fabric seemed to dance with unconventional patterns and textures, and the ensemble radiated a bold and distinctive energy.

Meanwhile, Paul Jobs, equally absorbed in his work, was assigned to style a rising female artist named Elma Francis. Elma Francis, known for her eclectic taste, was drawn to designs that seamlessly blended elegance with a touch of edginess.

Paul's creation was a harmonious fusion of sophistication and daring, with a gown that draped in unconventional lines, capturing Elma Francis's vibrant personality.

Cindy hovered around the two while admiring their designs. Felix Hans looked at her, "Miss Cindy, do you think the design has come out well? Do you want to change something?"

Cindy was just about to give her own opinion when she caught a whiff of a very strong perfume. She turned around only to see Joanna Bloom standing at the door. Her eyes changed,

"Do you want something?"

Joanna Bloom was always angry whenever she saw Cindy. The latter had not even completed a week yet they were already on bad terms.

She looked at the designs and scoffed, "Those poorly done designs do not even fit Sterling Corporation's standards! You should just give up if you cannot do the work!"

As soon as she said that, both Felix Hans and Paul Jobs stopped what they were doing and looked at her.

Cindy could see the uncertainty in their eyes and knew she had to do something about Joanna Bloom's attitude.

She suddenly scoffed, "At least they know how to design unlike you who only rides on other people's hard work! Maybe you are the one who should give up!"

Joanna Bloom's face was clouded in anger, "Who do you think you are speaking to?"

Cindy looked at her, "Of course I am speaking to you or…are you deaf?"

Joanna Bloom had promised to make Cindy's life in here difficult and she was planning to do so. Many people feared her and she expected Cindy to have the same reaction as everyone but she did not expect that Cindy did not even care about her!

This was very humiliating for her!

She knew just the place where she was going to get Cindy later so she scoffed angrily and walked away!

Cindy stared at her back in contemplation. Somehow she judged Alexander Sterling's choices, how was he so blind?


IN The CEO's office, Alexander Sterling who was busy with some documents suddenly sneezed. Daniel Owens, who was standing beside him this whole time, looked worried, "Sir, are you alright?"

Alexander Sterling nodded his head and continued his work. He suddenly remembered something, "Did she come?"

Daniel Owens naturally knew that 'she' had to be the madam. He nodded his head and gave a report, "She arrived ten minutes earlier and is already working on some designs."

Alexander Sterling nodded his head and said no more.

Daniel Owens was surprised that Alexander Sterling did not ask more questions. Usually, he would berate on this and that and even ask the littlest of things about Cindy Richards.

He could not help but worry so he asked, "Sir, are you and madam on bad terms?"

Alexander Sterling quickly looked up and Daniel Owens quickly shut his mouth.

Alexander Sterling pinched his brows and put the documents down, "Why do you ask?"

Daniel Owens's confidence grew wings, "Because, you have been staring at the same document for a long time and you also seem to be in a very bad mood and also…you have only asked about the madam once, usually you ask about her four or five times by this time!"

The analysis was done after careful observation.

Alexander Sterling looked at Daniel Owens and scoffed, "Is that the work I pay you to do?"

Daniel Owens looked guilty and effectively shut his mouth up.

Alexander Sterling picked up the documents and then dropped them down in frustration,

"What should I do?"

Daniel Owens was surprised once more. Alexander Sterling never asked for help from others but it was like the tide had changed. He enjoyed this opportunity very much and laughed,
