You can't treat me like this

The entertainment industry was truly a strange place, Cindy Richards thought as she glided down the escalator that led towards Benjamin Clarke's office.

Benjamin was feeling very ecstatic for some reason. He still had the flowers in hand and he looked behind him every now and again to ensure that Cindy Richards was truly following him!

He sighed, "This is my company. It looks a bit deserted as we haven't brought in new artists but whenever you need me, you can find me here."

Cindy nodded. For ease of design, she had been asked to escort Benjamin out in order to find inspiration for the outfit he was going to wear during the Eclipse Award Show which was just around the corner.

Benjamin had been nominated for an award that day and he needed to look dapper!

What made Cindy curious was, "I heard you are still under Starlight Entertainment, how do you have a company then?"

Benjamin Clarke laughed, "Them? My contract with them is expiring soon. Also, did you not hear what happened with them?"

Cindy shook her head.

Benjamin laughed, "What happened went viral, did you not even see it on the internet?"

Cindy shook her head once again, "I have not been in the country these past years so it is normal that I have not heard anything."

Benjamin Clarke laughed, "You should look it up later!"

Cindy Richards glared at him, "Are you truly not going to tell me anything?"

Benjamin shook his head and quickly walked away. Cindy had to run to keep up with him!

There were a lot of designs that would fit Benjamin Clarke's style. He was edgy and his fashion was heavily westernized. He was also very handsome which meant that all the clothes looked good on him.

Cindy Richards thought about a lot of things. A simple design was good but this was Benjamin, he needed something that defied all odds, something that would act as a statement!

She looked through her documents once ghee reached the office and showed it to Benjamin, "What about you think you'll like it?"

Benjamin walked towards her and leaned, "This..."

Back are the office, Alexander Sterling was busy with some documents. The Sterling Group was going to have a huge ball soon to celebrate their anniversary.

They did this every year on the date the company was founded so everything had to go well.

To ensure nothing unnecessary happened, he was overseeing the event himself.

Daniel Owens came in and handed him a document while saying, "Sir, Mr Johns is here. He says he wants to meet you."

Hearing the name, Alexander's brows raised slightly while he let out a puff of air, "What is he doing here?"

Daniel Owens wanted to laugh but he held it in, "He says he was in vacation in Country B and that he..."

He was embarrassed to say the last part out loud.

Alexander Sterling looked up, "What?"

His voice was cold.

Daniel Owens wiped the sweat off his brows and answered with a cough, "That he...missed your handsome face and that he wants you guys to hang out tonight!"

He said that in one breath and took two steps back waiting for Alexander's reaction.

Alexander's brows raised slightly, "Tell him to get lost!"

Daniel Owens quickly got out before the wrath of the great demon fell on to him.

He got out and instantly, someone yanked his body away and and his excited voice could be heard, "What did he say...what did he say?"

Daniel Owens's body was being shaken thoroughly that he saw stars. He pulled himself away after some struggling. He sighed as he watched the man before him.

"Young Master, the Boss has said, 'Get Lost!'"

He imitated the last part the same way Alexander Sterling had said it.

The young master, Logan Johns laughed when he saw Daniel's reaction,

"He said I should get lost? Alex is getting more and more interesting these days! I should get in and hear for myself, besides, I miss his handsome face!"

Daniel Owens was speechless as he watched Logan Johns walk with a Hop in his step.

He looked so carefree that Daniel wondered how such a person became Alexander Sterling's friend!

Those two were so different!

Alexander was still busy looking down at the document when he heard the swing of the door. He did not even look up, "Did I not tell you to get lost?"

Logan Johns laughed, "That is what you told your assistant but not me!"

Alexander Sterling quickly looked up, "What are you doing here?"

Logan Johns pretended to be deeply hurt by his remark. He clutched his heart dramatically, "Is that how you receive your dear friend after being apart for such a long time, you are so cold hearted!"

Alexander did not even look up, "I will count to three!"

Logan Johns shivered, "Hey, hey, hey, don't be so cruel to me, I just got back!"

Alexander Sterling pinched his brows, "What do you want and why are you dressed like that?"

Logan Johns looked a his clothes curiously. He was dressed in rugged trousers and bright red shirt. His hair was also painted a bright blue and he almost looked like the rainbow.

If it was not for his handsome face, he would look so bad that no one would even loom at him!

He walked and sat on the chair, "Don't look down on this. It is the latest fashion trend. See, you wouldn't know that because all you wearis suits and you also never go anywhere else apart from this dinghy office of yours!"

Alexander looked up, "Are you done?"

Logan Johns laughed, "Not yet! As a welcome back celebration, I reserved some seats in the most popular bar in town. I herd it is lined by some top celebrity. Let us go there and have some fun. Tonight, everything is on me!"

Alexander Sterling scoffed, "You are hosting your own welcoming back party?"

Logan looked T him as I'd he was stupid, "Or else what? If I wait for you to throw one for me won't I wait until the day I die?"

Alexander Sterling finally laughed, "At least you have some self awareness!"

Logan cried, "I am your good friend, you can't treat me like this!"

He did not wait for Alexander Sterling to respond. He suddenly whispered, "You know...."