The tension at the table that hung in the air was palpable to everyone in the room. No one moved, nor spoke, not I, not Mirabel, or even the maids who didn't do as much as stare at them both.
My eyes darted between the two men who sat on the dining table with their eyes fixed on each other. Unlike Gerald who now had a livid face, Liam's expression was calm, but the silent daggers they threw at each other with their eyes could not be missed.
Liam's eyes had warning, while Gerald's annoyance. I've never seen Gerald this way before, and neither have I seen Liam this way either. It's like they've both become two different people in the blink of an eye.
As I stared at them both, I couldn't help but wonder about the dynamics within the family. Liam and his father may not have a close relationship. Their strained interactions hinted at unresolved issues.
The more I think about it, the more I realize I've never seen them have a simple father-and-son talk except if it's about business.