Chapter 59 – As Night Falls

Third person POV

Later, at 6 in the afternoon, Robert and his group went back to the inn to have a relaxing bath at the inn's bathhouse. And at the male section, while Robert, William, Peter, Colt, and Masanori are relaxing, their driver came to join in relaxation.

"Oh, hey, sir," Robert greeted. "How's the shopping?"

Climbing down into the pool of steaming, hot water, the driver responded, "I bought some cheese, bread, and some fruits in cheap prices."

"Oh, that'll be great," Peter replied back. "It'll take a whole day for us to reach Challies, but the terrain there will be nothing but flat plains of wheat and barley fields."

"I see," the driver responded back. "Then our journey there will be faster and easier."

"Yes, but we should be aware of the soldiers who committed extortion on the travelers, squeezing most of their money," William gave out a warning to them.

"Yeah, I'll rather hide my money and lie to them that I don't have any," Colt commented.

"I think you should sacrifice most of your money," Robert said to Colt.

"Why do I need to shell out a couple of gold coins for their pleasure?" Colt asked back.

"Well, if they wanted it, then they will," Robert explained back, "otherwise, they'll retaliate with violence."

"Okay, if there is one," Colt agreed in response. "I mean, I had a lot of money, plus some weekly allowances from Aaron-sama."

"Yes, just in case," Robert replied.

Meanwhile, at the female section, Emma was alone, being the only female in the party.

"Man, do I really need to do this?" she thought in complaining. "I mean, this is uncle's orders because he's the authority to me alongside grandpa. Why it had to be like this?"

She then let out a big sigh, and continued thinking, "I think I'm in love with Robert-kun."

Later, at 7, after dressing up, they went to the inn's restaurant to eat dinner. There they settled at a table for eight and grabbed the parchment menus to choose what food and drinks they will have for dinner. The atmosphere around them is not that hectic and busy.

"So guys, what do you want to eat?" Colt asked them.

"I'll have the fried eggplant rolls with a side of bread and pretzels," Robert responded.

"Mine is grilled salmon with a side of bread," Masanori added.

"I'll take the grilled steak with a side of bread," William added.

"Mine is same as William's," Peter added.

"I'll have the Roasted Wild Boar with mashed potatoes," Emma added.

"How about yours, Colt-san?" Robert asked back.

"I would say two slices of Roasted Wild Boar meat pie and a side of baked potatoes," Colt answered back. Then to the driver, "How about you, sir?"

"Um…can I order anything?" the driver asked back in unsure.

"Sure, you're a part of this group," William responded back positively.

"I see. Well, I'll take the fried eggplant rolls with a side of bread and pretzels."

"Wow, you eat eggplants, too?" Robert asked back.

The driver nodded. "Yes, it's my favorite since childhood."

"What? Me too as well. My older sister cooked that one for me, often in a wrapper."

"I see."

"Okay! What's for drinks?" Colt wrapped up the order. "I suggested a jug of lemonade or apple juice."

"How about the apple juice?" Peter answered back. "Because I had enough of tea and lemonade."

"Are you sure?" Colt asked back.


With that, Colt called a waiter to come to their table and showed the orders he and his group wanted, including the drinks.

The waiter then jotted down all their orders in his leather notepad. "Your order will arrive in half an hour."

He then left their table.

Later, their order had arrived, and two waiters neatly placed their orders on the table in the right person, before telling them to enjoy their meal and left.

With that, Robert and his group did a prayer gesture. "Thanks for the food." After that, they all grabbed their utensils and a bit of their food and eat up.

"Man, the eggplants are so delicious," Robert commented delightfully as he savors the food he ordered.

"The salmon tasted good," Masanori commented with positive evaluation. "Its texture and taste are more than good."

"Why do you always have the Roasted Boar, Emma-chan?" Peter asked Emma.

"Why, it's my favorite," Emma retorted back.

"Good thing we included a bowl of garden salad," William responded, "so we could eat some greens."

"Really?" Emma replied back.

"Hey, you need to eat something that is natural and healthy," Robert responded back in mild annoyance.

"Whatever," Emme retorted back, before resuming eating her meaty meal.

To that, Peter apologized to him and the others on Emma's behalf.

"It's okay, Peter-kun," Robert responded back. "It's not your fault."

Later, after eating their delicious meal, Colt and William paid for their meal to the waiter, who gave them their bill.

After that, they all stand up and left the restaurant, going upstairs to their rooms to rest up for the night.

And in his shared room, Robert was on his desk writing what had happened that day in his travel journal as William, Emma, and Peter are on the floor playing with a set of jackstones, which were made of wood. Robert was writing in his journal in detail.

"Today was good," he thought to himself. But he began thinking, "But, how about Riana-chan? What should I do to her? I had no idea. After all, her tribe might be hostile and isolated, and I must respect their boundaries, unless they won't mess with my older sister."

He then let go of his quill pen and smiled while continue thinking, "Yeah, I'll chastise them if they mess around with me."