Chapter 60 – Extorting Soldiers

Robert's POV

  The next morning, at 5, we all woke up, pack our belongings, and check out of the inn, hopping into the horse wagon and the driver whipped the horses moderately, causing the horses to move as the innkeeper wavered goodbye to us. Not long after, we left Lanville and crossed through the border into the Kingdom of Vanworth. Along the way, I continued my practice for the peace negotiation.

2 hours into the journey, we reached another farming village, which is in shambles and full of poverty, and that village is called Heber. I can tell because of the broken signage at the front. As we pass through the village itself, me and my friends in the back of the wagon saw the reality there. Most people dressed in rags and dirty clothes while sitting on mats and begging for food and money. Merchants are a rare sight, and the majority of the people in the village are regular workers and peasants, working in craft shops and fields in order to survive. Seeing this, I felt bad, knowing how poor they are and I am a bit more well-off than they do.

Curious about this, I turned towards William and asked, "William-kun, does the government know about this?"

"Well," answered William back while thinking for a bit, "the government barely did anything, and the soldiers usually robbed them of their money and food."

This shocks me and the others.

"The government was so irresponsible," Emma commented in serious resentment.

"Yeah, and I heard that they charged high taxes on the poor to fund their lavish lifestyles," William added.

"Wow, I can't believe that," I responded back while crossing my arms seriously.

"Well, good thing I decided to blend in with commoners like you," William replied back, "so I could see the reality and think of any reforms to our nation."

"That was a good idea," Peter responded back positively.

"Thank you."

Not long after, we managed to pass through Heber without any problem, and continued our way towards Challies.

Another 2 hours into the journey, we did our usual things, with me continue practicing for the peace negotiation. Emma was asleep on the floor while William and Peter played jackstones to pass some time. Masanori was reading a book.

Then, suddenly, the horse wagon came to a halt and two men, dressed in steel armor and helmet and armed with swords and spears, came to us and demanded money from us.

We then noticed this, and this causes Emma to wake up from her slumber.

"Excuse us?" I asked the two men, perhaps soldiers.

"You had to pay us toll for your entry into our kingdom." one of the two men pointed his sword towards us.

"Wait, what? Toll?" Peter replied back.

"Pay us, or your lives will be ended," the second man demanded as he pushes his spear towards us.

While I get some gold coins from my leather wallet, Emma was stubborn and refused to give in.

"Oh, what do we have here?" the first man responded to this.

"A hot girl, eh?" the second man added.

"Don't say that to my little sister, you thief!" Peter reacted in defense for Emma.

William then get some gold coins from his wallet and give it to the two men. "Please, leave us alone. Take it."

Receiving the money, one of the two men counted each of them, before he responded to us, "This is not enough."

Just in time, I gave the remainder to them. "Here you go, just let us go."

Receiving the money, the second man counted each of them, before he said to us, "Okay, welcome to our kingdom."

They then went to the front and signaled to their other men to let us pass.

His men did so, and they unblocked the way, and we moved again towards Challies.

After that fiasco, I sighed in relief, "Phew! Good thing we did that."

"Yeah, even though I would lose a dozen of my coins," William replied back.

"Me too. I hoped they'll realize what they have been doing to us and the travelers."

"You're right, Robert-kun," Masanori agreed with me.

"Thanks," I responded back with a smile.