Chapter 109 – A Gift for the Clan

Jeremiah's POV

Robert is so kind and compassionate towards his older sister. I hoped that grandpa would accept her into the family, too.

Later, at 7:20 a.m., we are all at the main house to have a nice breakfast. The food for today's breakfast were toasted bread with a cheesy topping, fried eggs, and eggplant rolls. I would say that the dining room had chairs and tables, and some fancy furniture at the sides as decorations and storage for dishware, common and expensive. The atmosphere was good as usual, except some of our servants are with Sol offering food. I know he is the headmaster of the Peacewood Magic Academy, the school, according to Blaise, Robert was currently attending, so he's more of a special guest.

Sol was a bit annoyed by it, wanting to eat his meal peacefully.

Then, as we eat and drink, something came to Robert, and he said to us, "Oh! I almost forgot."

Upon hearing that, Dan looked at him and responded, "What is it, Robert?"

"Did the royal servants get the sacks from the wagons?" Robert asked back.

"Well, uh, yes, they put the sacks at the main house's storage room. Why?"

"Those are gifts for all of you."

This surprises me a lot, and I responded, "Really? What it would be?"

"Those are scales we got from a giant cobra at the corridor valley," Robert happily answered.

Me, my parents, and my grandparents were shocked to hear that.


"You mean that dangerous creature that roams at the corridor valley?"

"How did you managed to slay that creature?"

"Well, I just sliced its head with a katana," Robert responded positively.

"And we just took its scales and sold most of them for money," William added.

"Is that so?" Dan replied while clearing his throat. Then to one of his servants, "Hey, can you get those sacks you just stored at the storage room? We want to check it."

"Okay, sir," the servant responded, before hurriedly leaving the dining room to get the sacks from the storage room.

Some time later, the servant came back with two sacks and put them near Dan. Dan then opened one of them by pulling the opening apart, breaking the string that closed them. This reveals the contents of the sack: fresh giant cobra scales, all in the size of a normal hand.

I then stand up and took a peek of it, only to be surprised by its high-quality.

Fiona and my parents, Jan and Paul Windheart, then took a peek of it, too.

"Woah, these looks high-quality," I commented.

"It can't be!" Jan remarked.

Dan then get one of them and examines it and its firmness and hardness, before concluding that it was.

"So, what do you think?" Robert asked.

Dan then looked at him and answered back, "Well then, you are one brave boy. I liked it."

Robert then smiled in being appreciated.

"Man, you're so cool," I commented in response. "I never did that in my life. I'll turn most of them into a cool armor."

"Okay, sure," Robert responded happily. "It's yours after all."

His friends then got delighted by it.