Goblin King's Pincer Lance

Another slap and three more goblins were killed in an instant.

Not only were Albrecht's movements smoother than before, he was also killing more and more goblins at an even faster pace. Unbeknownst to them, Albrecht was getting tired of repeatedly using his skills, that's why he was moving faster than usual.

'I just want to get this over with as fast as possible. Seriously, there's no end to them!' Albrecht inwardly said in his mind as he clicked his tongue.

Seizing her chance, Sylvia ran towards Hex to deliver a small dose of Violet Haze Poison. She had no idea how much she should give Hex so she injected him with a third of a syringe's dosage. The rest were also injected into Erin and Natalie.

"Is that enough, Albrecht-san?" Sylvia asked, still maintaining her expressionless face as she run-hopped towards Albrecht.

She had no idea how to help Albrecht, so she gave him a buff that would temporarily regenerate his Zecian Aura little by little.

Albrecht felt the buff granted to him. "Thanks," Albrecht uttered. "Also, that was enough dosage. Just wait until the two poisons cancel each other out. For now, give them continuous normal healing while they recovered."

Albrecht knew that there was no way they'd recover their ruptured blood vessels through normal means, that's why he asked Sylvia to do it. At least, they'd be able to fight again once they've fully recovered.

For now, he was dealing with the entire goblin horde, much to the Goblin King's surprise.

The entire spiderweb party was also amazed at Albrecht's movements as well. They couldn't believe that such a porter existed.

"No wonder he's never been to a goblin dungeon before. With moves like that, he might be frequenting C-Rank, even B-Rank Dungeons." Hex forced a smile on his face.

To his surprise, his vision cleared up, and the heaviness he felt on his body was instantly gone. He felt exponentially better compared to a few seconds ago.

"Whoa, it worked. I can't believe that the Violet Haze Poison could be used like this." Natalie muttered to herself.

The effects of the poison weren't that notable on her yet, that's why she quickly recovered. Erwin experienced the same thing.

The Goblin King had reached his boiling point, and he furiously screamed at Albrecht after killing half of his army.

Albrecht could read the expression on the Goblin King's face. He was about to take matters into his own hands.

From his back, the Goblin King unsheathed his main weapon. It looked somewhat like a spear, except its blade resembled a pincer of a crab.

If it were to dig itself into someone's flesh, the Goblin King could easily twist it and a chunk of flesh would be removed. It was a cruel weapon, as expected of the Goblin King.

[Item: Goblin King's Pincer Lance (A-rank)— A Goblin King's weapon he made himself. Legends state that the goblin cannot become a Goblin King if he didn't make his own Pincer Lance. It is imbued with the Zecian Aura of the Goblin King, and a powerful bond is built between the weapon and its master.]

[Stats: See more...]

Before Albrecht could examine the stats of the weapon, the Goblin King swung the Pincer Lance at him. He jumped ou of the way before activating his skill 'Medeon's Gravity Control'.

Since the Goblin King's momentum was not halted, the gravity control threw him off-balance. Out of desperation, he propped himself up with his pincer lance.


Skill 'Mad Swing' activated.

Suddenly, the Goblin King's movement sped up, and he started madly swinging his Pincer Lance. He didn't care whether he hit his subordinates or not. Some of them died in an instant, and a majority of them were gravely injured.

In the midst of it all, Albrecht continued closing the distance toward the Goblin King.

Skill 'Sword of the Cosmos' activated.

During this entire exchange, Albrecht decided to get the Goblin King's Pincer Lance for himself. It was a pretty rogue-like weapon and he wanted to wield it in his future ventures. That's why he didn't want to damage it as much as possible.

In the meantime, the Spiderweb Party was keeping the horde of goblins at bay. They had no idea whether Albrecht was having a hard time dealing with the Goblin King or not.

It totally flew off their minds that Albrecht was there as their porter. He shouldn't even be fighting and yet, he was leading the charge at that current moment.

"Albrecht-san, do you need some help?" Hex asked out of nowhere. They finally got a breather when the number of the horde whittled down.

"No, I can do this," Albrecht said.

While this couldn't be called a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, it was certainly a rare situation and Albrecht didn't want to pass it up.

Meeting a Goblin King was rare enough as it is, but acquiring its weapon is a different matter altogether. Adding to that, this was an exclusive dungeon so going inside in the first place was already a rare opportunity for Albrecht.

That's why he didn't want anyone interrupting his 'alone time' with the Goblin King. He didn't want the goods to get damaged.

And by 'goods', he was referring to the Goblin King's Pincer Lance.

— — — — —

Outside the F-Rank Dungeon.

The swirling Zecian Portal started shifting as if it was going to explode. The Heroes of Relics, who were camping nearby, noticed that the Zecian Portal was acting a bit weird.

"Is that where Albrecht and that low-level party went to?" Marie asked since she couldn't remember correctly.

Sun Wu remembered correctly though. He saw him enter with a party of four people. This was just an F-Rank Dungeon so he wasn't all that worried.

Besides, Albrecht was already an ex-member of the Heroes of Relics. Why would they need to worry about him?

"Yes, there's something wrong with it. The Zecian Aura are all over the place." Sun Wu told everyone.

Alexander didn't hesitate to approach the F-Rank Dungeon. Since they were also part of the Rilegarthe Guild, they didn't need to ask permission to go inside.

"I'll check it out, maybe it's just a shift in the breeze here in the Outerlayers," Alexander said as he stepped forward.

However, before his foot went inside, an unseen force repelled him, and he was sent flying.

"Since when was this an A-Rank Dungeon?" Sun Wu asked, wondering what brought about the shift of the dungeon's Zecian Aura.