Anna didn't have to be asked twice.

"Are you sure?" Glancing up at her husband, she continued, "we can join them on the next ship leaving here after we settle our affairs."

Herman waved his hand, "I can get my associate to look after our things. Come, we must hurry."

Hans couldn't help but smile watching George's parents' eagerness to join their only child. He knew the feeling well, Gretjen his pride and joy. His heart was still tormented that his wife, bless her memory, had chosen her faith over them. It was something he could never have done. Just maybe starting fresh would bring healing to his heart, yet he could never forget, no matter how many miles removed him from the place where she had paid the ultimate sacrifice.

George paid the ship's captain the fare, watching as his family boarded the ship. This was more than he had dreamed of when in battle. Now a reality, a grin tugged at the corners of his lips.