George braced himself as the ship heaved once again with a deep, shuddering groan - an echo of George's spirit as he faced breaking the news to his wife.

Gretjen looked up as George approached, her ashen features pinched with worry. Searching her husband's face with misty blue eyes, she already knew the answer.

"We are far off course," George confirmed, repeating what the captain had explained, "Your father needs to know."

Great crystal tears tumbled down Gretjen's cheeks, "How can I tell my father? He has been my everything..."

A lesser man may have been jealous.

"Oh Sweetheart," George drew his wife into his embrace.

"I can't accept it," Gretjen wept into her husband's broad chest, "I must believe God for a miracle."

"I agree. We will pray for your father, however, he deserves to know so he can choose how he wishes to spend his last moments. Wouldn't you want to know?"