Business Plans

They came back from the mall quicker than when they went alone. The kids had bought every toy under the sun they could get their hands on.

They were from the poor district, so they only ever seen most of those toys on TV screens. Alora quickly took a liking to Isao, even though he was a year older than her.

She'd already invited him to play with her new toys, in her new room. It was absolutely strange, she'd even forgotten the sin Kiro committed a couple of weeks ago of lying. 

When they got to the gate, Philip was there, sitting at the pavement. He got up when he saw them approach, Alora ran to him and hugged him.

Kiro looked at the scene before him with much jealousy. This guy didn't seem to be that much older than him.

"This must be the Ki I've heard so much of, nice to finally meet you!" He extended his hand. 

"It's Kiro." He shook it.

"See you later, Ki." Hiro shouted as they walked further to their house.