Unexpected Visitors

Kiro didn't want his mother to work. So he took Loki and Philip to prepare a unit for Philip. Kiro understood their relationship now, though he still didn't want him living in their house, he had 2 siblings coming after all. 

Loki was wearing some dumb shoes that made him slightly float. He wasn't helping at all as they cleaned the dust off, moving some things, getting Philip ready to move in. 

He just kept jumping from the top floor of the building, and the pressure from the shoes would stop him from completely touching the ground. 

"This is so cool!" He shouted. 

"Hey don't be a brat, come help!" Kiro shouted back. 

But he was ignored. He didn't really want to be alone with this guy. He didn't think he was a bad guy, but he just came into his life so abruptly, he didn't like it. 

"You don't like me huh? I get it! Suddenly being the younger brother when you were the older one, must suck." Philip said cheerfully.