Hangout Session

"Saanvi." She said, she had glasses on.

"You look awfully different with glasses." Kiro smiled awkwardly attempting to annoy her even more which was working rather well. 

Saanvi rolled her eyes. She liked wearing her glasses at home. She'd wear contacts anywhere else though. As advanced as their technology was, they still hadn't been able to cure bad eyesight. 

He invited them in, and quickly called Hiro, to tell him that Saanvi was in his house. 6 minutes later, the door bell rang, he opened it while laughing. 

He ran all the way! 6 minutes when it should have taken him 10!

"For your sake you better hope this isn't a prank, I'll smack you!" Hiro entered, as he was about to close the door, Yuri showed up as well with Isao. 

'Okay, full house.'

He walked into the lounge, Isla had already introduced herself to his family. And was actually telling them that he was class president. It slipped his mind, his mom gave him an ice cold look.