A Day Out

"Are you sure these are the 3 you want to hire?" Kiana asked.

"Of course, my son agrees with my gut instinct too. If we couldn't trust our gut, life would be a little messier." Sekani said, taking a sip of the tea they'd been served.

Kiana nodded, "Alright, they will be there today at the earliest, tomorrow morning at the latest. Please take a look at the papers and sign them when done, I'll just be out there."

They looked at the lengthy contract. Listed everything a helper should and shouldn't do. Where to get in touch if there was a problem.

Kiro didn't feel good about this, it seemed like modern slavery on a silver platter. It felt like they were buying these people, and should call for a new one if they're defective.

He shuddered at the analogy his brain jumped to. But he still read everything, contracts were legally binding and they took them very serious in this world.