Birthday Party

He woke up the next day to a commotion downstairs. Of course he barely heard them, as the house was big but he still heard it. The house was usually very quiet in the mornings, the difference wasn't so hard to notice. 

He hopped into the shower and wore casual winter clothes. There was a slight knock at the door. When he opened it Wilfred stood on the other end.

"Ma—Sir Kiro, your father is asking for you at Philip's unit. He said, and I quote, bring your guts."

He was about to turn and leave when he remembered something, "Oh by the way Sir, congratulations on being an adult. Happy Birthday."

"Thanks!" Kiro grinned.

He knew what was coming, he ran to the kitchen first before heading out, Yuri and LJ were there chopping things up. 

"Good morning lovely ladies." He greeted, they greeted back. Wishing him a happy birthday.