A Complication

The last few days were an excruciating waiting period for Kiro. He was yearning to read whatever was on the document. New years was fast approaching, it wouldn't be a special day, or so he thought.

Because around midnight, there was a banging on his door. He had fallen asleep on the chair, looking at the data getting closer to completion. He didn't need to dress up, he sprang to the door, it was Wilfred.

"Madam has to go the hospital, it's about time she gave birth." He said, urgency in his voice.

"Is she okay? Why are you breaking a sweat?" He asked concerned.

"Well, Sir, there seems to be a bit of a complication, we don't know yet, stick around and take care of your siblings. News will be relayed to you every hour."

"I'm going, don't both to try and stop me Wilfred." He ran past him, he could hear the slight noise downstairs, so he headed there straight.