Four More Rascals

Kiro sat there, with both his hands on his face. He couldn't believe the fear this incident instilled in him. He was shaking, but only slightly. Relief flooded his entire body.

"Thanks for coming, both of you." He told his friends.

"Of course."

"Not a problem."

Both of them decided to stay, he may have received good news but they could tell that he was still not okay.

"I'll get us something to eat." Philip said walking out, Hiro went with him.

"You know, it's okay to show that you're hurt or sad, when you are?" Isla could tell that he was ashamed to have showed them a vulnerable side of him.

"Of course I know that." He said annoyed with himself, "I just, don't like showing it. I'll work on that."

"Saanvi couldn't come, she sends her concerns though. You two are always at odds but I think that's just weird, friendly banter."

"Yeah." He smiled for the first time.