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Kiro was walking down the hall, when he heard Wilfred thanking his father profusely.

"Thank you very much sir, my silly granddaughter failed to mention that you were also sending her to school. I'm truly grateful, is it really okay? I can forfeit my salary here and work for free."

He rolled his eyes hearing this. This man was ever dramatic, with everything, he never wanted anything for free. Suppose that was the price to pay for the life he'd lived so far, he didn't trust anything that came easy.

He believed that hard work equalled to great benefits. Kiro could still feel his aching muscles from the training, they didn't really hurt, it was just a phantom pain, that lingered. Wilfred told him, it'd disappeared after a while.

"No, that's okay Wilfred. LJ is part of this estate, so are you, we should look out for each other." He patted his back.

He nodded. Becoming more emotional than he intended.