Back To Schools, II

Kiro understood his friends concerns. But he also had conversations with Isla's dad, while he couldn't discern whether or not he was a good guy, he could tell he cared for his daughter.

He wouldn't let her borrow the jet intending to blow the two into bits, or whatever the Sanctum did to those who found out their dirty secrets.

"Why are you two always whispering?" Isla asked, she'd noticed the two ever since a while back.

They didn't notice it themselves but they did it quite a lot. They knew things others didn't after all, the need to talk about the next step or what to do itched at them.

"I mean, can't we have secrets? We're best friends after all." Kiro immediately went into defensive mode.

Isla looked at them, Felix was grinning from ear to ear making things seem more suspicious but since it was just Kiro and Hiro who spoke in whispers, it didn't register to her.

"But look at Ishaan." Saanvi commented.