Tartarus, II

Kiro sensed around for any more ambushes that could be lurking about but he couldn't find anything hidden beyond the thick and dark trees surrounding them.

'Weird, this forest gives me the Underworld vibes. Strange as it is, scary as it is, it feels like home.' He thought to himself.

He'd after all spent more time down there than in Asgard. Almost a full year, it wasn't peculiar that he felt like Hubris' home was his.

These thoughts opened up many more memories with Hubris. Kiro found himself missing him and very sad that they were realms apart, which made him promise to focus on working on his jumping skill after this. 

He wanted to see his big, fiery mount. He wanted to fight with him more, they didn't get much time together.

"Sorry if I will sound out of place but, shouldn't we be fighting with you?" Jorge asked after his initial shock wore off.

His train of thoughts were disturbed, as he nodded, agreeing with Jorge.