Tartarus, III

They had just finished the demonstration when a white tiger walked of the shadows and towards them. Kiro cursed himself, while he was too busy calming that kid down, he got a little distracted.

While vibrations was passive, he still needed some level of concentration. It didn't make him omniscient, so of course some details were very capable of slipping through.

The tiger let out an ear piercing sound. Which prompted some of them to close off their ears, they didn't want to receive damage if it worked like Nikolai's whisper.

One thing that was great about the wars, there was no system to annoy them. The other news were bad though as they wouldn't know how strong a monster was.

Kiro didn't think that mattered, he didn't think there was anything in this forest that could contend with 5 guardians unless it was a harbinger, a much stronger harbinger.

'Fingers crossed.' He thought to himself.