Lessons Learned

"Huh? Isn't it way too soon for him to be finished? Aren't the events progressing rather fast?" He was a bit taken aback by the speed in which everything was going.

'Maybe the Blakeson's had something to do with how slow the company was in the past? That's the only viable option. Regardless, this is perfect timing, we can go there under the guise of going to Kismet. Then slip away to the underground ring?'

He was suddenly in a bad mood when he realised they'd have to ask for the day off on that Friday. And for that to happen, they'd have to ask the dean. The dean seemed like a carefree old man, but at the same time very stern. It was a 50/50 chance, they could either get severely punished or let go.

A knock at the door dragged him out of his mind. When he opened the door he wasn't surprised to see all of After Dark, ready to go for another training session. They decided to push themselves, break every limit their bodies had before they had to leave.