To the Dean's Office

"Okay, we have to be very sure about our story. We shouldn't lie too much, a bit of truth spread out into a believable story should be enough?"

They were standing right outside his door, whispering to themselves. It was still very much winter and the winds weren't so kind to them from where they were standing.

"Remind me again, why do we need to accompany you guys?" Nikolai asked.

"Obviously we have to leave together Friday morning." He answered a bit agitated, this was clearly getting on his nerves.

The door swung open. The dean was standing right at its frame, his eyes looking from student to student. For a moment, they thought they saw a relieved expression on his face. His tense body slightly relaxed too.

"Are you going to keep whispering outside my door? I have so much work to do. If you have no business with me, get!" He shooed them away.

"Sir, please, we have business with you."