The Dean's Office

After a day full of emotional turmoil it was time for the boys to go back to the academy. Freya promised to take care of Kiyoko, so Hiro was a bit comfortable leaving his mother behind.

"Are you gonna tell Saanvi?" Kiro asked as they stepped out of the train.

"I mean it's impossible to tell her without revealing too much." He pondered, he hadn't thought about telling anyone about his father.

"You can just tell her what you told your mum, I don't know if you can really keep that from her without creating distance between the two of you."

"Who are you and what have you done with my best friend? The Ki I know sucks at this love thing," he asked seriously shocked. "But she'd see right through me. She's too smart."

"She'll see right through you either way, girls can sniff out secrets." Ishaan offered his own advice.