The Dean's Office, II

The dean heartily laughed at Kiro's declaration, which shocked almost everyone in the room. No matter how he looked at it, Kiro was Eldric's incarnate, it was uncanny. It was peculiar that they didn't only look alike but their personalities were also very similar.

"He chose well." He complimented. "As to why Jesús is here, he worked together with us and your grandfather. He's something of our inside man."

"So even though there was an inside man, my grandfather was the one who got his hands on the information you couldn't?" Kiro almost rolled his eyes.

A little bit of respect he had for them crumbled. They had all the money, all the resources but they played it safe, while his grandfather got reckless getting himself killed in the process. This didn't sit right with him.

"It's very unpleasant to admit but yes." The dean admitted to their failures.