Sport Festival

The dean was left thinking as they walked out of his office. He wondered where their confidence came from, maybe it was because this time they didn't lose someone within their friend group.

"Aren't they too conceited?" James asked.

"They're fine, they're young and they've done amazing." The dean answered longingly, hoping they had been bold enough to do what they did.

Kiro couldn't wait to sleep, he practically jumped to hug his bed and pillow. The fatigue from the past days was catching up to him, he was falling in and out of consciousness when he heard a knock on his door. He groaned, not getting up immediately until the fifth knock.

He shuffled his feet towards the door, he was surprised to see Hiro on the other end. Smiling awkwardly and looking all nervous. He didn't say anything and waited for him to talk.

"Can I, can I sleep here tonight?" His expression was pained, as if asking this embarrassed him greatly.