Saturday Off

She was looking forward to spending a day with Kiro but at the same time, she felt like it would be the same as if she were at home. They'd string her along claiming they were celebrating her day.

While the day would most likely be just another day with rich people trying to network with each other. She could only hope he had something very different in mind.

Student town was as busy as usual. But today it had more kids their age roaming around. Someone bumped into him, when he turned around it was another kid.

"Kiro Waynworth right?" The kid beamed.

He looked to be around their age. He was almost the same height as he was, he was darker than him in complexion. His eyes were black as night.

"I'm Aeron Kel, I'll be playing you next week." He continued his excited demeanor.

Kiro forced out a smile, "great, excuse me."