First Time For Both

They spent most of their day mostly in competition with each other. Driving virtual dirt bikes and racing on really unfriendly terrain.

The virtual bikes were very realistic. On the first round they were normal ones, racing at insane speeds on the dirt road.

"Oh Ki, I didn't think you were this terrible at driving!" She exclaimed.

"I'm just warming up, just warming up!" He made his excuses that he didn't quite believe himself.

This made Isla giggle. The scenery suddenly changed, the virtual world went from beautiful and sunny to grumpy and thunderous.

The wheels on the bikes disappeared into its stomach, thrusters appeared that levitated it to the skies. It was clear that their next battle would be amongst the grey skies.

The timer went down and a big go appeared. At a blink of an eye, the bikes were no longer visible from the group as they navigated through the clouds.