The Obelisk 360

"Ladies, gentlemen, I introduce to you, the Obelisk 360." He said, as two people behind him unveiled the gaming pod on stage.

The room was filled with gasps and a very excited atmosphere. Seeing the actual pod made everyone fill with great happiness. It looked like Waynworth Enterprise didn't pull any stops, it looked premium.

"It comes in three colours, black, gray and royal purple." He smiled, "We didn't reveal that for a reason, everyone's colour will be a surprise. Purple is very limited though."

Producing each pod cost them ten thousand creds but the purple one was a little bit more. Getting a colour that wasn't black or white or both proved to cost more.

Sekani knew he'd be making an enemy of himself in this market but he wasn't going to overcharge people. He knew better than anyone, being at the bottom and not having the power to do anything.