The second Kiro's head hit the pillow, he immediately fell asleep. Being home, under the same roof as everyone of his family, with the company's launch successful, he felt a little — only a little lighter.
Today, the end of the world didn't exist. He caught a glimpse of a new beginning of their world instead and it was beautiful and it brought him so much hope.
"Your father did great, the updated gear will be a great advantage for you all."
That's what he heard a voice say when the sun rested on his eyes, waking him up. It was blindingly bright, like there hadn't been a heavy storm the whole week.
"That voice was definitely different, that wasn't Chronos..." He grumbled as he got out of bed. "I have no idea why I even still go to school, what a waste of time."
He yawned.
"There are more important things at hand, I'll try convincing my parents." He took out his phone and dialed a number.
"Hiro, let's drop out." He said yawning again.