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It was finally festival day, but I was more worried about the baking contest,I know I didn't have to be the winner but I also didn't want to be the loser,Aaman offered to help me out since his band was only playing at night," Seeing how nervous you are, I should probably label the containers so you could find the ingredients easily." he said as I turned and glared at him," Take a closer look, iam the only one below thirty around here, which means most of them have heard a higher age experience in baking." I said nervously as he looked around," Age is nothing, talent and skill is everything....I've seen chefs, musicians of a younger age behind better than those you calling older, so take deep breaths and calm down I'll be right there cheering you on." he said as he patted my shoulder and moved to the audience," Deep breaths." I mummered to my self as I got everything ready.



" There so many games to play, are we going to spend the entire festival giving out flyers." Min Young said as he cutely pouted," There are only five left." I said," Give them to me." he said as he quickly have them out to whatever person was passing by," Done..so what should we check out first." he said cheerfully as I pointed towards the photo booth," Let's take some pictures." I said as he held my hand," Let's go!" he said as I ran behind him happily...



" Woah!!! that ride was so fast.." I said to Nana who was still squatting behind me," I didn't expect it to be so scary...look at my hair is it still straightened." she asked as I smiled how can she be worried about hair at this moment," Let's try a less scary ride...but before that can we have some icecream." she added as I helped her stand up," By the way, at what time is Ye Jun coming?" she asked as I stared at my wrist watch," He said he'll be here at around 2pm after finishing up his work at home." I replied," Okay, let's go have that I've cream." Nana said as I stared back at my watch," He didn't change his mind did he?" I thought to my self.



" Third place isn't a bad position, and look they gave you a spatula as a gift." Aaman said as I glared at him," Iam not angry at coming in third, iam just disappointed because I put in alot of effort." I said," Okay let's not ruin the entire festival mood by frawning,how about we go and have some fun." he suggested," If by fun you mean riding the amusement park boat ride then iam Soo in." I said cheerfully as I noticed Aaman stepping back a bit," Don't tell me you scared!" I exclaimed as he tried to play cool," Me scared, absolutely not...let's go and ride that boat." he said as I held his hand and ran Infront of him.

" If you scared then we can go ride something else." I suggested," I always encourage you to face tour fears, won't it be cowardly of me not to face mine." he said as I offered him my hand," Hold onto me if you feel scared." I said as he wrapped his hand around my arm," Iam ready." he said as the boat starting moving," Ahhhhhhh." we both screamed as he held onto me tightly...." Wooooo." I shouted as we both laughed.

" That was both fun and scary." Aaman said as I laughed at him," I can't believe you scared of riding the boat, I guess that makes four secrets I now know about you." I said cheerfully," You'll soon know my fifth." he said as I got confused,"Fifth!" I exclaimed," Let's go try my favourite ride next." he said as he led me to the merry go round," This!" I exclaimed as he stared at me and laughed," It's peaceful..." he said as we both burst into laughter," You become stranger each time I know you Aaman." I said," Iam stranger than you think, now let's go." he said as we hopped on the merry go round.



It was an amazing idea for the festival to be out an an amusement park, this place looks so lively, and it's also been a long time since I went to an amusement park." I said as Min Young quietly stared at me," if I knew that amusement parks get you this excited then we would have had most of our dates here." he said," We still have many more dates to go." I said as he wrapped his hand around my shoulder," Let's go and try something else." he said as I wrapped my fingers around his and moved closely besides him..

We tried out many other rides,had icecream room pictures while wearing funny costumes we just had alot of fun together and we're still having more as the day goes by..



" It's already past 2, do you still think Ye Jun is coming?" Nana asked as I pulled out my phone and sent him a text," Lemme call him instead." I said.

" Hello, Ye Jun are you on your way we having so much fun without you." I said as he kept quiet for a while," I might not be able to make it , you guys can have fun on my behalf as well." he said as he laughed," Is something wrong with your dad, should I come and keep you company?" I asked nervously," My dad is okay, something just came up that requires me to stay at home...sorry I can't make it...have fun." he replied as he hang up," What happened to him?" I thought to myself as I looked around," What's wrong?" Nana asked," It's nothing,you can go to the merry go round, I'll meet you there." I said as she stopped me," What about Ye Jun?" she asked," He won't be able to make it...he's caught up by work." I said," Now you should get going, I'll come and meet you after I talk to my granny." I said as she hesitantly left, truth is I wasn't going to talk to my granny, but rather see if Ye Jun was doing okay, his tone...felt a bit off.

I borrowed Nana's bicycle and headed to Ye Jun's house.



The distance from the park to Ye Jun's house wasn't long especially since I was riding my bicycle pretty fast so I reached in a few minutes, I got off my bicycle and packed it in the compound and headed went on knock at the door but before I could do so it opened and Ye Jun came out looking really angry as he by passed me and after him came a man, he wasn't familiar to me but it seemed like both of them were quarrelling with each other," Don't follow me,I can go wherever I want to go." Ye Jun said as the man, I was puzzled the matter seemed more personal and here I was standing from the sidelines seeing it all go down," Yuri, are you here to pick me up for the festival?" Ye Jun asked as he came grabbed me by the hand and walked Infront of me," Are you okay?" I asked as he let go and turned to look at me angrily," What are you doing here?" he asked as I tried to explain," I came to see if you were fine." I said," I told you I was fine, you didn't have to come all the way here to check..." he yelled as I took a step back,it was the first time I ever had him let out such a loud and harsh tone," Iam sorry.." I said as I turned to leave...when he grabbed my hand," No iam sorry, I should not be letting my anger out on you." he said as I turned back," Do you want to talk about it?" I asked.

"Here!" Ye Jun said as he passed me a bottle of water," Iam really sorry for yelling at you for no reason earlier." he said as we sat down Infront of the convenience store," Whats the matter?" I asked as he stopped and sighed," That was my brother.." he said," Brother..I didn't know you had one." I said," Well yes I do but I don't consider him my brother at all after he walked out in us and went to the big city, he didn't even communicate with us for five years and now he shows up and tries to act like family." he explained," Have you tried listening to him?" I asked as he scoffed," Listen to him make excuses...I can't." he said," Sometimes listening helps clear misunderstandings." I said as he stopped taking his water and turned to look at me," Well iam not saying you should forgive him for walking out on you, iam saying you should hear what he has to say...why did he go why didn't he call or communicate with you for five while years, why...after you listen to his side of the story then maybe you can decide if you can stay angry with him or forgive him." I added," What if he lies to me then?" he asked," While listening, you can hear ones sincerity so just listen to him." I said as I touched his hands," Try it out and see ." I said as he drunk his entire bottle of water," You right...but this doesn't mean iam forgiving him iam just going to hear out what he has to say." he said as I gave him an assurance smile and nod," I'll get going now." he said as he waved and left, I couldn't believe that those words came from my mouth, the same person who wouldn't even give my dad the benefit of doubt as he was being taken as a murderer...who iam I to talk about forgiveness when I can't even forgive my own father....


