" Okay don't pressurise me, iam scared already." I said as I sat my my laptop," Gosh my hands are shaking." I said as Mina and Hyuna stood too closely to me, it kind of made it seem like the results they were checking were theirs and not mine," Move I'll help you type.." Mina said as she sat down," Before you click enter...let's make a deal..if the results are good tap on me,if they are bad walk away." I said as I turned the other side...and next think I knew they were both walking out," Are they...?" I said as I turned to check only to see them come back and hug me tightly while cheering," you passed." they say as they hugged me even tighter..." Woah this calls for a celebration.." Hyuna said as we both laughed.." Yah let's go and have a nice and warm meal.." Mina said as she followed Hyuna out.
I checked for my phone and called Ye Jun who also told me he passed and so did Nana...I was so happy and could really see the police academy approaching sooner than expected.
As celebration we went to have hot pot and my sister's poured me my should be first glass of Soju little did they know that I already had an entire bottle for them, they said it's a ritual that a dad is supposed to teach their kid girl or boy how to drink their first glass of Soju and since dad was out of our lives, they took on the role like they have been doing the entire time...my sister's have been my mom and my dad and also my sister's...I wouldn't trade their love and whatever they have done for me for anything... because I love and appreciate them..I rarely say it but I mean it.
" Dont be scared, remember why you are doing this and do it even better." Hyuna said as they both saw me off at the bus station I was nervous for the interview,unlike other people who have received professional training I had trained my self using internet videos but since I had finally got the courage to follow my dream..I wasn't going to let anything get in my way.
I had not told Aaman exactly which day my interview was because I was planning to suprise him after wards, after arriving at the school I was called over in a big room where every one had their eyes on me, by every one I mean three judges but I was really nervous...I took deep breaths and hoped for the best.
" Mrs Kang Mina, we usually like asking this question to most of the students we interview and most have different answers..so we would like to hear yours today." The first interviewer said as I got ready to hear the question," Why do you want to study music..?" they asked as I cleared my throat and proceeded to answer," The reason I love music is because of my dad...I know iam not supposed to talk about my dad since Iam really upset and mad at him but it can't take away the fact that he bought me my first guitar, he always encouraged me to take music lessons at school and always bought me all these CDs and albums of different musicians to listen too, I always watched singing shows like the voice with him and always promised my self that I'd make it to one in future...I fell in love with music over the time but it's my dad who introduced me to it...so it's only fair enough to say I want to become a musician because I want to show my dad that I fulfilled our dream..so I love music because my dad made me fall in love with it." I said with teary eyes as all the interviewers nodded in approval of what I had said," Okay then show us what you can do then." they said as I prepared to start singing.
The interview went well, atleast I felt like I had left an impression on the interviewers and hoped for good news," Hello..Aaman?" I said over the phone as I got out of the school gate," How was the interview?" he asked as I stopped with shock," How did you??" I stuttered," I didn't mean not to tell you, I just wanted to suprise you." I said as I noticed him on the other side of the road where he smiled and waved towards me.
" Who told you that the interview was today?" I asked as we were walking," Well...we are also in the music and dance department at college...I over heard a class mate wish her friend good luck for the interview at the music school today..that's when I found out and I confirmed after calling Yuri..she's not a good liar." Aaman said as I stopped and turned to him," Iam really sorry..I just badly wanted to suprise you." I said as he held my hands..." Iam not mad at you.." he said as he leaned in for a kiss," Infact iam super happy to see you." he said as we hugged..." It's super cold.. should we go back to my place and order something to eat?" he asked as I smiled and slipped my hand into his coats pocket,"Lets go." I said as we both left.
Reaching his place, it was surprisingly well organised and neat,Aaman looks like someone who would have papers thrown to the floor while coming up with songs..and then he would have all these cups of coffee on the table from when he stayed up all night making music but no..he's room was well organised and really clean," Are you coming in?" he asked as I woke up from my day dream and walked to the sitting room," This is the place I rent for the semester." he said as I look around," it really nice," Yah and convenient since it's next to my school..far better than staying in a school dormitory." he explained," Should I make you a cup of coffee as our delivery comes..?" he asked as I nodded," How was the interview?" he asked as I stood up to join him in the kitchen," It was fine.." I said as I hugged him from behind and slipped my hands in his pockets," I missed you so much.." I said as he turned and smiled," I missed you so much as well." he added as he leaned in and kissed me.
After dinner we embraced as we watched a movie," The new years eve is coming soon...I'll come back and spend it with you in Aayan." he said as I turned and thanked him with a kiss," I love you." he said as I laid my head on his chest.
" Does that mean that you can't come back for new year's." I asked Min Young," Sadly only four days after new years eve" he replied as I felt let down," Are you okay with it..?" he asked as I cleared my throat," Iam okay." I replied as I hung up and threw my phone across the bed, I wasn't okay well I was with him sleeping while we were video chatting because I knew he was tired or when he forgot to call or text but it's our first new years eve together as a couple and he'll be working late that day instead of spending it with me..I know I was sounding selfish but I badly missed us from when he was in Aayan.
" Are you inviting me to hand out with you on new year's eve?" I asked Ye Jun who looked the other way shyly," Yes...I have something to tell you on that day." He said as I felt my heart race, if that something had anything to do with the something I had in my head then I was going to go crazy." Okay...it's not like Mina and Hyuna are gonna spend it with me anyways..so I'll meet you at the town square for new year's then." I said as I smiled and walked away.
I sat in the sitting room watching tv while sulking, I didn't pick up any calls from Min young for two days now...I was being the unbearable girl friend type but so be it, I just hoped it could change things..." You have sighed four times now." Mina said as she came and sat close to me," What's wrong?" she asked as I tried to force a laughter," You can tell me." she added as I gave in because I needed some one to talk to any way.
" Ok why can't you go to him then?" she asked," Min young can't come to Aayan because he's busy in that day..so why don't you go to the main city for him." she asked again as I thought keenly about it till it made sense," The main issue here is that you should be together..on new year's Eve so got to him spend it with him instead of sitting here sulking and watching Boeing talk shows." she added as I stood up," You are right...Ill go to the main city..we must celebrate New year's Eve together." I said as I walked back to my room.
" Look Hyuna, I know you are mad but..." Min Young said over the phone as I cut him short," Iam coming to the main city for new year's eve...iam not changing my mind on that." I said as I didn't give him a chance to reply and hang up," Iam going to him." I said as I stared at my self in the mirror and smiled