New year's eve is known to bring people closer, family friends and relatives it literally that day where you eat laugh play and you say good bye to every thing that has happened in the previous this year especially the beginning of it wasn't the easiest for me and my sister's but I also have alot to thank that same year for like how we moved to Aayan and met all these people that have now become such an important part of our live...that's what this year did for us.
" Hello...are you in the city already?" Mina asked as I rolled the car window," Yes..iam in a taxi and I'll be at Min youngs apartment in a few minutes." I said as she cheered me on," That's my girl..I'll hung up now...Aaman has arrived." she said as I looked out side the window.
Min Young knew I was coming so he left his key under the pot for me to find easily, after I arrived at his place I freshened up settled in and went out to shop for the meal I was going to prepare for him.
I don't know if this is new year's eve /Valentine's Day because you won't believe how many couples I found cuddling up literally every where, the supermarket on the streets every where I looked I guess this was punishment for having a really busy boyfriend but all that didn't's new year's eve and after he comes home we shall have that meal and count down to the new year while cuddling..over a glass of wine.
" I hope you remember that this room is shared by you and I." Yuri said as she stared at the clothes I had dropped all over the floor," Iam going to have dinner with Aaman's mom...what should I wear?" I asked as I remembered that Yuri was a far worse a fashion disaster than I was," Are you sure iam the right person to ask?" she said and she made absolute sense," What should I do?" I said as I remembered that I could actually call Hyuna," Right .." I said as I video called her.." Hello...Hyuna." I said as I noticed she was quite busy on her end too," What's wrong Mina?" she asked as she put down what she was holding and shifted her attention to me," seem quite busy..I'll call you later." I said as I smiled and hung up.
" So what are you going to do now?" Yuri said as she helped me look through," What about's simple and decent yet pretty." she said as she pulled out a maroon linen pinafore dress," What do you think?" she said as I sighed and went to try it out.
" How do I look?" I said as a few minutes," Be honest." I added as she took a closer look," You look pretty..." she said as I glared at her," What! you can take a look in the mirror if you don't believe in me." she said as I smiled," It's okay...I've already checked my self in the mirror...I'll go with this." I said as she nodded and went back to scrolling her phone.
Meeting your boyfriend's mom doesn't sound or seem as easy as it does in movies, you would have alot of questions in your head like what if she doesn't like me...and then offers me a big fat check so I could leave his son...or maybe what if I say something wrong and she gets offended..or what if ahhh either way it's really hard and as I got out of that taxi after arriving at Aaman's place I was hoping for a miracle and hoped that it all went well.
Crazy me forgot to actually ask Mina for fashion help forgetting that I had plans with Ye Jun later as well, Nana wasn't around since they were spending New year's some where else with her other relatives and she wasn't replying to any of my texts probably because she was busy with her family.
I just slipped on anything, and by anything I don't mean my usual cargo pants and large t shirts but a pretty flowered skirt and a nice and Ye Jun met at the town square where most of the town people were going to celebrate New year's from, the place was vibrant with many people who were having fun with one another," You look.." he said as I cut him short," I look what..bad...?" I said nervously," What are you saying? you look absolutely amazing today." he said as I smiled awkwardly," Popsicles!" I exclaimed to change the topic," Would you like some..?" I asked," Yah.. strawberry please." he said as I turned to order.. sincerely speaking I was nervous one because this looked like a date and two because he said he wanted to tell me something and I wasn't sure I was ready to hear that "something" I might really do strange things to embarrass myself today but iam glad I'll leave those strange things in this year.
" Done!" I said as I looked around and smiled..the table was set I had slipped into the prettiest dress and all that was left was Min young coming back, I took my phone out and called him but he wasn't picking up so I figured he was still busy with work.It was now 8 pm in the night so It was still quite early.
" Why didn't you tell me that your dad had come over as well?" I asked Aaman was we awkwardly exchanged glances at the dining table," I didn't know...none of the told me." he explained as I sighed and look the other way..I was so nervous to the point the I rubbed my fingers together so much, they nearly bruised," You can start eating now." Aaman's mom said as she served me some rice," Thank you." I said anxiously as I started to eat," How's it?" she asked," It's tasty." I replied as I smiled and had more.
After dinner, Aaman's parents went to have a talk while Aaman and I stayed in the living room having our desert," Your mom is an amazing cook." I said as he smiled," Iam as well." he said as I glared at him," What? you have just never tasted my food." he said," Maybe you just have never offered to cook something for me." I said as he laughed," Iam still your boyfriend, trust me there still a dozen benefits you get to enjoy." he said as he kissed me fore head," Do those benefits include showing me your room?" I asked," not wasting any time." he said as I realised what I had said and slapped his shoulder," Not that...I mean iam just curious how it looks like." I said," Let's go...then." he said as I stood up cheerfully.
" Iam stuffed." I said as we walked away from the baked noodles stall," Yuri..!" Ye Jun called out as I turned to look at him, he looked rather serious so I figured it was time to talk about that "something" so I became nervous,He stood their looking at me and next thing I knew he was getting on his knees so I nervously and subconsciously pushed him to the ground," What are you doing?" I asked as he groaned in pain.
" Iam sorry..for that I thought you were..." I said as I helped rub the dust off of his pants," I was just trying to tie your shoe laces." he said as I felt really bad for what I had done," iam so sorry.." I said," What did you think I was trying to do any way?" he asked as I laughed awkwardly because frankly speaking I thought he was going to confess but at the same time had my doubts because who confesses his love on one knee, we yes they do but why would Ye Jun do that?," it was reflexes just reacted accordingly." I said," So your reflexes react by pushing some one...?" he asked as I looked the other way... because of embarrassment.
After getting a hold of Min young, he told me he was being held up late due to work and was only getting off at only 11, I should have been upset since I had prepared alot for him but instead I decided to pack up the dishes and go to him, yes if he can't come to me, I will go to him.
It didn't take a long time before I arrived but what was wireder was seeing a woman walk into a restaurant with packed food, it was my food so I badly wanted him to taste it..I couldn't go into the restaurant because I figured I wasn't going to order anything so I just waited for him sitted at a tree guard Infront of the restaurant.
"First it was your place in the city and now your room,how are you so organised and why do you have all of these books in the shelf?" I said as I looked around," Why wouldn't I be organised...?" he asked," Iam just's all a suprise to me." I said as he came and grabbed me from behind," Why is it a suprise that your boyfriend is well organised and loves to read." he whispered," You being organised doesn't really surprise me anymore but the reading doesn't look like you." I said as he stood Infront of me," I love reading.. though I must agree I haven't opened many of those books for years now.." he said," I even wanted to become an author..back in junior high." he said as I stared at him in suprise," Author!You!" I exclaimed as he nodded," Then what changed your mind?" I asked as we sat down," Well a few negative comments under my first book did alot of discouragement...iam not as strong as I appear my ego gets bruised quite easily." he said as I felt bad for him," I know the same thing can happen with my songs...but I guess I love being a musician way to much to just give it up." he said," I've never really asked you why you want to become a singer?" he asked," Do you have a tragic story like I do?" he added as we both laughed," My the reason why I wanted to become a singer." I said as I felt my eyes becoming teary," Was?" he asked," Well yes was and maybe still is I just don't want it to be that way anymore." I said," We never really talk about him every since he went to jail..for murder, we suffered alot because of his actions and lived a dreadful life." I said with a shaky voice as Aaman can and pulled me in for a hug," It's okay of you don't want to talk about it." he said as I wiped my tears," I'll have to talk about it some day...iam just still not ready." I said," Then only talk when you need to force your self." he said as he smiled and wiped me tears," I'll be here to listen when you ready." he said as he kissed me forehead," I love you." he added.
I felt really bad for wasting Hyuna's efforts and was beating my head around how I was going to make it up to her," Iam glad you liked the food." I said to a customer who had requested to meet me, as I looked around the restaurant my eyes met with a person that seemed to be Hyuna...she was sitted on a tree guard bench outside opposite the looked like she was staring my way too seeing how our eyes met, it was her and her beautiful smile that was written across the face, I waved to her and she did the same as well....I stared at my wrist watch and it was only 10," one more hour to go." I said as I turned to go back to the kitchen.
That one hour passed by in a few and there I was getting ready to meet Hyuna, I just felt sorry that she had to wait out side my restaurant when she would have been in my embrace instead while waiting for the count down," Min young." she said as she came and hugged me," Am really sorry." I said as she smiled and pinched my cheeks," Is this punishment enough or should I flick your forehead too?" she asked as I extended my head to her," As you wish." I said as she kissed it instead," Why would you apologize for working late..your job is your responsibility too but I must agree I was angry with you when you said you weren't coming back to Aayan for new year's eve." she said and I could understand her sentiments and feelings," I can make up with a nice meal...we have an hour left to the countdown." I said as she grabbed me by the hand and pointed towards the bag on the bench," What's that?" I asked," it's food that I prepared for you..I wanted you to taste it but it's probably cold by now." she said as I smiled at her," You the one who made it so I don't care if it cold or not." I said as we sat at the bench and she opened the dishes for me," They smell really good." I said as she smiled and asked me to taste her beef stew," How is it?" she asked as I nodded," it's really tasty." I said as she smiled and asked me to have more.
We did the count down on a video call because I wanted to wish my sister's a happy new year's immediately as well, (5, 4, 3, 2, 1, HAPPY NEW YEAR) I said as fire works started popping on my side and so were they on Sister Mina and Hyuna's side.." Happy new year's Hyuna, Happy new year Min young happy new year Mina and Aaman and happy New year Ye Jun...or right Nana too." I said as they all wished me with smiles all over their faces...I can't believe it's 2023 already...I said as well all laughed.
" You didn't make a wish." Ye Jun said as I turned to look at him," My wish came true.." I said as he stared at me curiously," My sister's are happy, I made new friends who are also happy..iam only hoping granny is happy where ever she is as well." I said," What about you? what did you wish for?" I asked," I wished for many things...To be able to get into that university get a job and reunite with my dad and for every one to be happy and to be your boyfriend." he said as I smiled throught till I heard the last wish," What!" I exclaimed as he stared at me with a smile," Yes...I want to be your boyfriend..I've liked you from the day you came to save me from those jerks in the bathroom...I fell for how brave you were and also fell for how beautiful you were and as I got to know you better I realised that it wasn't just a crush but something more...I really like like you, Kang Yuri." he said as my legs felt really heart was racing and the only thing my brain told me was to run away...yes run away.