We are now in a new year,and so far I've got nothing to complain about except that I haven't been picking up Ye Jun's calls for one week now,isn't that a long time? it is but iam still gathering my thoughts..." Aiisshh." I yelped as I turned to pick up my phone," Why did I choose this ring tone of all?" I said as I cleared my throat," Yuriii ahh!" Nana screamed, she seemed to be so happy," Okay calm down take a deep breath and then talk." I said as I continued listening," I've just received my admission letter to the university of fashion and design." she said happily as I jumped out of bed," What!" I exclaimed," Yes..iam coming over at your place, I'll show it to you then." she said as he hung up," Wow.." I said as I went to freshen up.
"This feels surreal..." I said as I took a closer look at the admission letter,"Yes I was shocked when I opened my mail today, I screamed so much and almost gave my granny a heart attack." she said happily, you could really see that she was excited she was smiling from ear to ear," And for this we are going to celebrate." she said as I agreed but I was in for a a suprise.
By "we"she didn't mean Me and her alone but Me her and Ye Jun, the person I've been ignoring for an entire week after what happened on new year's...so the Atmosphere was pretty awkward when we met again," Okay did something happen when I was away?" Nana asked as we both rushed to deny," It's nothing..." I said as we sat down to have our ice-cream,I could notice Ye Jun stealing glances at me but it might have been me stealing glances at him instead either way all of this was Awkward but Nana was way to happy for me to ruin this my moving away.
After icecream, Nana was wanted urgently by her Granny so it was just me and Ye Jun at the time, I didn't know what to tell him though, was I to apologize for running away during his confession and not answering his texts or messages or was I to," Yuri be careful." he said as he grabbed my hand and pulled me away from being knocked by a speedy bike," Where is your head?" he said as I pulled away from him," Thank you." I said as we continued moving," You know we have to talk sooner or later." he said as I turned to look at him," Other wise I won't have closure...are we still just friends or did she put my confession into consideration..all that will be all I think about." he added as I anxiously rubbed my fingers together," So can we talk about it..." he said softly.
" I guess it wasn't a good idea to talk over Soju." he said as I unintentionaly sipped my entire bottle," Iam good with holding my alcohol." I said confidently as I started feeling dizzy and then blacked out.
" The next morning,I couldn't feel my head due to the hang over but lucky enough I started getting my mind back after Minas honey water,including my mind I got back even more embarrassing moments between me and Ye Jun after I drunk yesterday..." Ahhhhhhhhhh." I yelled as Mina stared at me," Whats wrong?" she asked curiously as I turned to go back in my room.
Aside from my drama with Ye Jun, I was also waiting for a reply from the police academy, I checked my mail every day and every night and even in the middle of the night for news, it kind of looked like I was the only.one not receiving an admission letter seeing how Nana got hers and she also told me Ye Jun had received his and tot surprise he was joining business school, I guess yes he's dream of being rich would be fullfilled then, even in our high school group chat it was so evident and clear that I was among for few that had not received there's and among those few were the ones planning to repeat senior year in order to perform better, so yes this year had not started out amazing..I was running away from a boy that just confessed his feelings to me and might like as well and I absolutely had no idea why and now I wasn't receiving my admission at the police academy or let's say an interview to do the pre entry...I was losing my mind.
" We shall Meet tomorrow then." I said as I ended my call with Hana,she wanted to talk about setting up a tutoring cafe in the city as well and I was completely into that idea." Are you up?" Min Young said as he walked in with some breakfast," That looks good." I said as I cleared the table off of my books and laptop allowing him to rest the tray," It really is a huge benefit being a girl friend to an amazing chef." I said as he kissed my cheek," Have it before it becomes cold...I'll have to prepare to go for work as well." he said as he left.
I and Hana agreed to meet at a cafe next to the school I used to teach at," It feels really strange being back here." I said as I looked across where you could see the school," Yah...but most of it hasn't changed..some teachers are still the jerks they were while you were around..that's why I want to quit and run the tutoring cafe." Hana said as I paused at quit," You want to quit!" I exclaimed," Why?" I asked as I put down my cup of coffee," Well I feel suffocated..I became a teacher because I loved it but because of that school, teaching suffocates me to the core...I don't want my dream to turn into a burden so I'll just quit and run the tutoring cafe if we manage to set one up here." she explained and I could really understand her," Well of that's the choice you stand by making then as your friend and business partner..I support you." I said as she smiled and sipped on her cup of coffee," Thank you." she said.
Me and Min Young had planned to have dinner together but he ran late again because of work, if there was one thing I understood after spending a week with him was that I had to learn to accept that he's job is now a part of his life to and I had to be considerate..so whenever he ran late for dinner we would have break fast together instead.., whenever he didn't call, I would call, whenever he forgot I'd remind him...we were going to make this relationship work no matter what..
" Open the e.mail." Aaman said over the video call," What if I've been rejected.." I said as he smiled," Then open it and turn it this side..for me alone to see." he said as I figured it's a great idea so I open led it and closed my eyes," Open your eyes Mina." Aaman said as I hesitated," It's good news so open your eyes." he said as I opened then only to find that I was successfully admitted..." Ahhhhhhhhhh." I screamed cheerfully as Aaman clapped his hands for me," Congratulations Mina." he said as I suddenly got tears in my eyes," I can't believe this." I said as tears rolled down my cheeks, The news couldn't wait I told Hyuna and Yuri and even told granny and mom....there was one person who would be happy( I think ) to hear this news but sadly he was never going to know.
I was sitted out side the convince store sulking about not receiving my admission, I had ordered over five popsicles and I believe I was still ordering more considering my current mood," At this point..you going to burst." said Ye Jun as he came and sat besides me," What are you doing here?" I asked as he went and bought a popsicle too," I went to your house and then your sister told me you weren't there so I checked in all the places I could find you..." he said as I looked back at him and smiled," Why are you smiling?" he asked," You always show up when I'm sad..or angry or when I need spirit lifting or when iam confused." I said truthfully," Look iam sorry I ran off that night." I said," I was just so shocked and confused..." I added," I might like like you too but I don't think iam ready to get into a relationship with you...well I know you can't wait for me to gather my thoughts and finally become ready and that's why iam telling you...I like what we have now..our friend ship and I don't want to trade that for a relationship where we wouldn't be good friends again." I said," Iam sorry if I've hurt your feelings and I would definitely understand if you don't want to keep being friends." I said as I stood up to leave when he grabbed my hand," Are you running away again?* he asked as I sat back," I've also done alot of thinking and iam sorry I made things awkward between us." he said," It's your company I want...I don't care if I get that as your boyfriend or your friend..I just want it to be you who finds me in my worst situations and sits me down for some amazing advise,I just want it to be you who celebrates my success and you who offers to watch movies in the cinema with me...It's you I want." he said as I got teary eyes," We can remain good friends the best of friends." he added as he stretched out his hand for me," Very good friends." I said as we shook hands.
We were now okay,all it took was talking to him for everything to work out alright and I know I might regret my decision but it was the best for the time being, after I arrived home I went and had a shower and just decided to check my E mail one last time and there it was AN ADMISSION LETTER TO THE POLICE ACADEMY.
This year might have not given me the best beginning but there were still many more months of different possibilities and I was going to get each one of them.