"Don't let anyone leave or enter. Understood?" Lynn spoke to the two bodyguards who stood there with an aggressive voice. He stopped between the two and looked in front of him, at the wall.
"We can't do that, sir." one of the bodyguards said. "If the boss didn't order-"
"I said to not let anyone leave or enter! Do I need to repeat?!" he screamed.
The two bodyguards nodded while their eyes widened. Lynn went to the ground floor and left the building, bringing out the photo his boss gave him with the man's face.
Now, the hardest part for him was to acquire the man in the whole city. However, Lynn was smarter enough and called for help. He dialed his bodyguard's number and waited for him to answer.
He answered and said "Yes, sir. With what can I help?" Lynn looked again at the photo and said "I want you to gather our men and help me find someone. I'll send you a photo with the victim and I want him killed in less than three hours."
He sent all the details to his bodyguard and gathered the men in the organization and they spread throughout the city, from the air, and the ground, and began to search for the man.
Curiously, no one knew how to find such a savage man at nighttime. Lynn and his bodyguard left no place unexamined and did not turn back until they had searched the whole city.
Suddenly, Lynn got a call. He was driving his car and currently, he was somewhere in the northern part of the city, still searching in every corner and place. Next to him was his bodyguard.
"You answer." Lynn ordered to his bodyguard and he did what he was told. He set the phone on speaker and listened carefully.
"We found our suspect somewhere next to the public bar near the central school. He is standing in front of it, smoking and drinking alcohol. I think he is in possession of Cocaine." one of the men spoke. He was settled up with his colleague.
"Is he alone?" Lynn asked.
"Yes, he seems quite sober." he said.
Lynn stood a bit and thought of the plan. After some seconds he said: "Don't lose him. If he wants to enter somewhere, don't let him. You have all sorts of things there you could use. All the cars are ready for this mission. If we lose him again, the boss will be furious."
Lynn hang up the phone and drove to the bar his friend mentioned. When he arrived there, their car was still in front of the bar, but they weren't inside it.
"Get down." Lynn ordered to his bodyguard. They both put on their hoods on their head and went inside the bar.
The bar was full of men, some of them sober enough to know their names, but some of them didn't know the name of the planet they lived on. There were also a lot of women that clung to the men there like paper clips. Lynn mumbled to himself as he looked away disgusted "Whores..."
They both sat down at the counter and ordered two bottles of wine. They both spotted the other two men and the suspect.
Suddenly, a woman who was kind of drunk clinging onto Lynn's hand. She started to flirt with him but he didn't want to say or to do something. At the moment, the woman seemed interested enough in Lynn and how he looked that she was making even bigger advances.
Lynn didn't even want to look at her, such a good example of a loyal man. She was almost half naked and still flirting with Lynn, but nothing worked.
His bodyguard glanced at Lynn and the woman, but he didn't comment anything about it.
After they finished their drinks, they looked at their friends who were still sitting there, following the same man, and the man was sitting at the same table he did since then.
Suddenly, Lynn's bodyguard made a sign with his eyes and Lynn understood what he meant. They both got up and Lynn left the woman alone, wondering what was wrong with the two.
The two got into a conversation with the man and the other two came in a few minutes later. Their plan went perfectly since now, all they had to do left is to try to convince the man to come with them and then kill him.
It was strange that the man didn't suspect anything about the four, including the fact all of them had hoods on their heads.
They drank a few shots and then left the bar anonymously with the man after them. They said that they all lived in the same house and that it was in the same direction as his.
"Oh man, I don't want to take the long way. Let's take the short one." one of the guys said and they all agreed.
They took a few turns until they were in an alley, far away from the streets. Lynn winked at the other two men and they immediately understood the sign.
They took the victim by his hands and knocked him to the ground. His screams for help were music for Lynn's ears.
They didn't stand anymore to think and Lynn got out a pair of black gloves and put them on his hands. He then took out the knife and stabbed the man without hesitation.
Their plan was fully accomplished and they could go back without problems. They hid the body in a trash can and after that, everyone returned.
Lynn and his bodyguard went back to their car. Lynn took the gloves and threw them away and grabbed the phone to call his boss and announce that the mission was completed.
Lynn's bodyguard entered the car and waited for him while Lynn stepped aside to smoke. He was about to call his boss, but he called Lynn first instead.
"Sir, the mission is-" he suddenly stopped when he heard moans through the phone. He remembered that the only person who was in his boss's office was Dexter. He remained in shock, with his clenched jaw and his widened eyes.
The moans continued to be louder and louder until a voice hit Lynn in the heart. It was Dexter, screaming "L-Lynn...ngh... Please...c-come...a-ah... help..."
Lynn snapped and he felt his blood boiling. He found himself screaming, even though he was in front of the bar "Let him go! What the fuck are you doing to him?!"
In the background of Dexter's moans were Lynn's boss's laughs. He then asked, probably smiling like crazy: "What now? Is he yours?"
Lynn remained speechless. He suddenly said: "If something bad happens to him until I get there you'll pay with your life, you understood?!"
"No... Lynn..." is what Dexter had to say before Lynn hung up the phone. He didn't finish the cigarette, he threw it away and ran to the car. He got up and immediately drove off to his boss's office.
His bodyguard didn't even try to ask a question when he saw how mad Lynn was, he just shut up and hold tight as Lynn drove on the streets like a crazy man.