
Lynn drove faster and faster as his mind was full of dark thoughts. He didn't know what happened to Dexter or why was he in the hospital, but he wanted to see him as soon as possible.

It was odd how worried he felt for Dexter's state when he wasn't supposed to do it. He didn't know what he will say to his boss when he will come back later, but that was what mattered less to him.

He parked the car somewhere close to the hospital and he entered in a hurry. He went to the reception and immediately started to speak.

"Good day, miss. I'm here for a patient... Dexter Elrod. Tell me where he is please."

The woman looked at Lynn while raising an eyebrow. She spoke: "Calm down, sir, please. Tell me your name."

"Lynn Alford."

The woman started searching on her computer. "Lynn Alford? Aren't you related to the patient?"

"No. I'm his boyfriend."

The woman looked weird at Lynn. Not even he expected those words to come out of his mouth, but he was desperate.

"Boyfriend, you say... All right... Despite how worried you are I believe you. Go to the second floor and talk to a doctor. He'll tell you the room and when to enter."

Lynn nodded and showed a smug smile. He then went to the second floor and started desperately searching for a doctor. He was still thinking... Dexter's boyfriend... Him...

Lynn finally found a doctor and he immediately started talking: "Excuse me, sir. The woman from reception sent me here. Can you please tell me where the patient Dexter Elrod is?"

The doctor looked at him and raised his eyebrow. He looked through his papers and then said: "Yes. I was heading there just now. Are you a relative of him?"

"I'm his boyfriend."

The doctor seemed to understand a bit the situation. "Come with me, sir. While we head there I want you to tell me your name."

Lynn nodded and the two of them started walking. "Lynn Alford." he said.

The doctor looked through his papers, skipping some of them, and then he saw the papers with the analysis of Dexter.

It was silence between the two until they stopped in front of a door. The doctor sighed: "Mister Elrod's analysis was all good... All tests came out good... The only thing was tiredness and lack of sleep."

"Tiredness and... lack of sleep...?" Lynn repeated.

"Yes... I don't know what happened, but your boyfriend needs to take care of his sleep or this is going to happen again and again until..."

Lynn raised one eyebrow as the doctor stopped. "Until?"

He sighed. "Until he'll eventually pass out for good."

Lynn's face was now even more worried as he thought of that. How is he going to tell that to his boss? How is he going to explain everything?

The doctor added: "A boy came here earlier, but he left... Do you know him?"

Lynn stood and thought a bit. A boy? Then Dexter needed to know him. Suddenly, Lynn remembered about that friend of Dexter's... Connor.

Despite that, he replied: "No, I don't know who it might be."

The doctor nodded. "All right. Thank you. Just let me go it to see how is he doing and then I'll let you in."

Lynn nodded and looked at the doctor that just entered the room where Dexter was. After some minutes, the doctor got out and said: "Mister Alford, you can go in." Lynn looked relieved and he immediately went in.

Dexter was at the window, looking outside. He was dressed in some casual clothes of his and at his hand was an infusion. He didn't turn around, probably because he thought that the doctor entered the room again.

Lynn didn't say anything, but he slowly stepped closer to Dexter and wrapped his hands around his waist in a gentle and sweet hug from behind.

Dexter was shocked for a second, not knowing who it was, but as he saw Lynn's hair falling on his shoulder, he relaxed.

"Why are you here?" he asked, still zoned out of the window.

"Why shouldn't I be here? The question is: why are you here? What happened to you?"

It was the first time in months since Dexter knew Lynn that he spoke with so much calm and comfort. Lynn's voice was calmed and he knew what he wanted to hear from Dexter.

"I passed out... Only because of you."

"Me?! Because of me?!"

"All right, because of you and your boss. That's why I'm here. After you drove me to the café, I started working but I felt very dizzy again and in no time, I saw black and I passed out. The doctor said it was because of tiredness and lack of sleep."

"I know. That's what he told me too."

Dexter sighed as he placed one of his hands on Lynn's. Lynn rested his head on Dexter's shoulder while sighing too.

"He said that all your analyses were good. They should let you out soon, I guess."

"I hope so... What are you going to do now, that you came, you saw me... And?"

Lynn chuckled. "Do you think I'll leave you here? I left an important meeting to come to see you. I won't leave that soon. I'll stay with you until they leave you out."

"Are you out of your mind?! And what if they keep me until tomorrow?!"

"That's impossible. If all your analysis went out well and the tests were also good, and all of this happened because of tiredness and lack of sleep, then they should leave you out soon. Let's just wait for the doctor, ok?"

Despite Dexter's anger, Lynn was calm. He was happy to see that Dexter was fine after all that happened.

"How do you feel now? Any better?"

He asked this question and then kissed Dexter on the neck while smiling. Dexter blushed slightly as he felt Lynn's warm lips touching his cold skin.

"Y-yeah... I'm fine now."

They stood hugged in front of the window some more until Dexter was feeling a bit cold. Lynn dragged Dexter aside and said: "Go to your bed."

He then closed the window and went to Dexter. He sat down next to him and looked around.

"Hm... This feels like a prison."

"It is a prison. It's just that they give you better treatment than in prison. Despite that, nothing's different from a prison."

Lynn looked seriously at Dexter. He wanted to say something, but his mouth wouldn't bring the words out.

"Please... Take care of yourself and your sleep. Sleep more and don't get too exhausted."

"I'm trying, but someone isn't letting me have that much time for sleep because they fuck the shit out of me!"

Lynn wanted to ask if Dexter was talking about him or his boss, but right when he wanted to speak, the door of the room wide opened.

The doctor said as he entered full of smiles: "I have some good news, dear Dexter."