Lynn's face frowned and his blood was boiling. He wanted to scream and to make a total disaster until Louis changed his mind, but he stood angry in silence. "Why every day?"
"Because I say so. You will bring him to me every day, with no other comment. If you have work to do or somewhere to go, I don't give a fuck, he'll be here."
Lynn's jaw was clenched and he wanted to punch Louis, but instead, he sighed and nodded. "Yes, sir. I'll bring him here."
Louis smirked and spoke again while he took out some papers: "So, will you tell me who got hurt, or will you keep up with your lies?"
Lynn looked at the ground and saw under his boss's desk a knife. He frowned. Louis noticed that Lynn saw something and he smirked. "That... That is something I will cut off Dexter's skin if you don't answer my question."
Lynn immediately answered: "Don't you even dare hurt him. I went to the hospital because Dexter fainted."
Now that he said it loud, it sounded weird. It wasn't something he would do, so Louis's eyebrows raised dramatically. "Oh yeah? How come you left my meeting for that prick?"
Lynn was silent and Louis noticed that. He started laughing. "Oh God, Lynn. You've changed so much since you met this boy."
Lynn raised an eyebrow, but he knew that his boss was right. He changed so much he couldn't even recognize himself.
Louis asked: "Lynn... Tell me... What does this mean to you? What does he mean to you? You used to love no one, to have mercy for absolutely no one, so why him? Why change?"
Lynn had piqued Louis's curiosity so he wanted to know all of this. Lynn answered, how honest he could: "I don't know... What he means for me... But..." he sighed and added "I know one thing... I thought that better than to get my hopes up in love and in the people I value and be disappointed, it's better not love... But that changed for me... When I met him... When I met Dexter."
Louis raised his eyebrows. "Oh yeah? That's an interesting thing to hear from you. Hah, you haven't been so romantic in your life, were you?"
Lynn shook his head. Even though he did not expect this to get out of his mouth, he was honest with himself, Louis, and his feelings.
Louis sighed and added with a smirk: "I do not care what you feel for this boy. I do not care if you feel something. You'll bring him to me whenever I say, is that clear?"
His voice was calm but still sounded a bit irritated. Lynn nodded and then looked away, feeling completely guilty, but he didn't want to show it.
Louis started reading his papers while he spoke: "You can go."
Lynn got up. He wanted to leave that room and crush something into pieces. Before leaving, he turned around.
"Boss, do I need to bring Dexter this night too?"
Louis raised his head but then answered: "No. He's free to get the news this day. Leave my office, now."
Lynn got out of his office without hesitation and started walking in the corridor. His mind was full of possible ways that he could kill Louis, but he kept them for himself, or else he'll get in big trouble.
He went in front of the building to his car and got up. He sighed heavily as he tried to calm himself down. He had no choice but to go to the café and tell Dexter everything rather than just go every day to pick him up without even knowing what was happening to him.
Lynn started to drive as he tried to clear his mind. He felt like drinking one of Dexter's coffees. At least he had a good reason to go there... Despite the bad one.
He arrived, parked the car, and immediately entered the café. He noticed that it was almost full and that Dexter had a lot to work on.
He went to the counter, but Dexter didn't notice him. Connor elbowed Dexter and told him that he had come. To Lynn's surprise, Dexter smiled. He smiled... When he saw him. That smile made Lynn's heart flutter a bit.
"Hey! What are you doing here?" Dexter asked, almost happy.
Lynn kept his cold and serious face, as always. "I want a coffee... An Americano if possible... Please, to be made by you."
Dexter raised his eyebrows but nodded and Lynn went and sat down. Soon, when Dexter brought him the coffee, Lynn grabbed him by his hand.
"Dexter... We need to talk."
He was surprised by the serious tone he used and he knew it wasn't something good laying ahead of him.
"Um... Can't wait a bit? I'm very busy."
"I don't care. I want to talk with you and I will do it no matter what you say."
Dexter sighed. "All right... Wait for a second."
He went to Connor and whispered something to him that didn't please him, but then he came back and sat down in front of Lynn.
"I hope you enjoy your coffee." he tried to show him a smile.
"Is it prepared by you?"
"Yes. Connor wanted to do it, but I took this for me because you wanted to. You said you wanted to talk. What is it about?"
Lynn took a sip from his coffee and then sighed. He was upset by the idea, upset and mad, but he didn't have any other choice.
"Remember that I told you today to be careful with Louis and to obey everything that he says?"
Dexter nodded and Lynn continued: "Well, the same goes for me. I need to do some things I don't like only because he will really be mad and even kill me if I don't do so."
He sighed. He didn't know how to explain this in a more calm and gentle tone so Dexter could understand, but the situation was so... hard, he couldn't do as he wanted.
"I went to his office today. First, I want you to promise me that you will do as he says, all right? It's the best way to end this soon."
Dexter nodded, a bit hesitant. He hated this idea and he just wanted to vanish and disappear from the face of Earth.
"So, I went to his office after I dropped you off. I told him about the reason why I left the meeting and all... And he told me something that will not please you... Not."
Dexter sighed. He almost started crying as he thought of the worse that could happen to him.
"He wants me to bring you to him every day after you finish your work for... Particular reason... If you understand what I mean."
Dexter's eyes widened. His mouth opened to say something, but the words wouldn't come out. He said something, with a mad tone: "And... And you do as he says so?!"
Lynn sighed. "You and I have no other choice, but-"
"That's easy to say! That's so easy to say! You just come, say 'let's go', drop me there, and then leave! You don't see what I do! You don't-" he stopped as he started tearing.
Lynn looked at him, covered in guilt, but then a sudden burst of anger and pain took control of his tone and actions.
"Of course, I know! Of course, I do!" he slammed the table. "Of course, I know! I've been through worse and look, I'm still here! I'm still here trying to convince you to stay alive because if not, you'll die! The only way to survive here is to listen to me! I've been through the same thing as you and I know how to keep you as safe as possible! So just shut up and do as I say for once!"
Lynn's anger got Dexter a bit scared. Lynn realized how shocked Dexter was when he looked at him and how tears simply rolled down his cheeks. He felt guilty again.