
Lynn's mind was full of anger and disappointment in some way. His eyes were looking right into Dexter's soul without any remorse or pity. He waited for Dexter to say something, but it was quiet between them.

Dexter's tears didn't stop falling on his cheeks and he hoped that Connor didn't see him. He finally decided to speak, but it was a silent and upset tone.

"All right... I'll... I'll do as you say..."

Lynn nodded and his gaze softened. A slight smile appeared on his face while he slowly took Dexter's hand in his.

"I'll come to pick you up at 6.05, all right? You must be ready when I arrive. You can relax today, I won't come. You'll be all right. I know that you can resist." he smirked.

Lynn's words had a tiny impact on Dexter, but he was still crying a bit. He tried to show a smile and assured Lynn that he will be ready when he comes to pick him up.

Dexter wiped off his tears and went back to work. Luckily, Connor hadn't seen anything and he didn't ask about their conversation.

Lynn stood for a few more minutes and drank his Americano in peace. He was relieved he could explain everything to Dexter, though they both got a bit mad.

Soon, Lynn got up and started walking to the front door to leave the café. Before he even opened the door, he turned around and drew Dexter's attention. He winked with a teasing smirk and waved at him. Dexter blushed a bit at the wink.

Lynn made his way back to his boss's building and met with his bodyguard to solve some sort of mission Louis had given them some days ago.

They made their way through the city and did everything they had to, as usual, and then they got back. Later, as Paul and Lynn were chilling on Lynn's couch at his house, his bodyguard asked: "What do you plan to do with Dexter, sir?"

Lynn turned his head and raised his eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, I always see you with him lately and you're kind of concerned about him."

"Don't say such things. I'm concerned about absolutely no one than myself. He can just hit his head on a wall for all I care."

"I'm sorry to drag such conclusions, sir, but it seems like that to me."

Lynn sighed and ran his hand through his head. "Ahh... You won't give up, will you? All right, I admit it, I'm maybe a little concerned about that little stubborn boy."

His bodyguard smiled. "I knew it. It is too visible."

"Stop mocking me like that!"

"I'm not mocking you, sir. I just wanted to tell you to take care of this around boss. You know how he acts when people don't obey him in every way possible."

Lynn nodded and sighed. "I know... that's why I hate him."

"We need to resist a bit more, sir. The mission is almost complete and then we're free to leave this organization."

Lynn sighed again and leaned on the back of the couch. "Ahh... I know. I swear I can't tolerate this anymore. We've been here for five years already and we were incapable of doing such a simple thing!"

"Yeah... Let's just wait, sir. Back to what I was saying, what will you do with Dexter? You didn't tell him anything, did you?"

"Of course not!" he ran his hand through his hair and sighed heavily. "I'm trying to lie as much as possible and make everything believable."

"He will know... sooner or later."

"Imagine this... That asshole put me to bring Dexter every day so he could have who to fuck! I swear if it wasn't for our mission, he was already crying in pain on the floor with his two bodyguards more panicked than a mother who lost her child!" he got mad remembering that.

His bodyguard chuckled hearing how mad he was. "All right, sir, I understand you like him so much."

Lynn turned his head to him and started blushing. "What?! No, I don't!" he screamed in a mad tone.

He chuckled again. "Sure. We need to-" he stopped when Lynn's phone rang. He got a notification. Lynn took his phone and looked at it, only to see his boss's name.

"Who is it?" Paul asked.

"Louis," he said, obviously annoyed. "He said to go to his office. He wants to give us a task."

Paul sighed. "We just came from there. Looks like I need to drive again to the city."

Lynn got up and tapped him on his shoulder. "Let's move on. I'll drive this time."

Paul nodded with a pleasant smile and followed Lynn to the car.

The next day, as always, Lynn and Paul were wandering around the city while Dexter and Connor were hardly working at the café. Dexter was a bit off his mind since he knew what would happen after his shift.

Connor kept asking him questions, but he refused to give any answers. He said he was just tired because he couldn't sleep well and then he would change the topic. He looked a bit tired, but also sad and a bit depressed.

Later, when their shift ended, Dexter hurried up and left faster, before Connor. He got out of the café and saw Lynn's car parked a bit far. He ran there and got in the car.

What was strange and weird was that they didn't say a word to each other. Not even a 'hi' or 'how are you?', absolutely nothing. It was silent. Lynn finally parked the car and Dexter got out a bit hesitant. Lynn followed.

As they entered Louis's office, Dexter went, with small steps, and sat on the couch as Lynn and Louis discussed something.

Now, the first few days, they were a nightmare for Dexter. He went home late, all alone, walking after Louis did so many things to him, almost closed an eye all night, been tired and sad at work, and then Lynn came to pick him up, not even talking to him, and the cycle repeated every day.

He was upset that Lynn didn't talk to him, but neither he spoke. His eyes were red all day, he barely smiled and not even Connor could make him happy. He was worried about his friend's state.

After 6 days of doing this over and over, on a little break, Connor asked Dexter: "Buddy, what is wrong with you lately? You're acting differently and you look so tired. Did you even sleep?"

Dexter looked at him like he was on the edge of crying, his eyes red and his face tired. He spoke, almost whispering: "Only tired..."

Connor opened his mouth to speak, but then he closed it, not having what to say. He knew how stubborn Dexter was, but he was worried about what happened to Dexter.