The next day, on the seventh day since everything started, Dexter was getting ready as usual to go meet Louis, when Connor caught up with him.
"Hey, let's hang out! We didn't since we were both so busy. Shall we?" he asked enthusiastically.
Dexter slowly raised his look and said. "Not today."
"Then let me walk you home! Maybe we can drink something!" he said.
"No, Connor. I'm all right. Not today." he said and started walking when he saw Lynn's car.
Connor grabbed his hand and pulled him back. "Dexter! Let me come with you! Something is happening and you don't want to tell me! Just... you know you can-"
"I said no! Is it that hard to understand?!" he screamed, clearly annoyed by Connor insisting so much. He pulled away and looked at the ground. Connor was stunned by how aggressive Dexter was now.
"All right... but I'll get very mad if I know that something bad is happening to you." he said, turned around, and left.
Dexter felt a bit guilty, but he didn't have time to apologize now. He walked up to Lynn's car and drove away.
After Lynn left Louis's office, as always, Louis did his job and then left Dexter to calm down on the couch before letting him leave. Louis sighed and looked at Dexter.
"Hey, do you want some water?" he asked.
Dexter was surprised by the little sudden interest in his statement, but he accepted in silence, without commenting anything about it.
Louis smirked and then took a glass of water, but before giving it to Dexter, he took out a small packet he had in his pocket and put it into Dexter's water. Drugs.
Dexter being too tired, didn't notice what Louis did, so he just took the glass and drank it in one second. Louis then spoke, proudly: "You can leave."
Dexter left the building, still able to walk, but soon enough, some streets away from his house, he started to feel dizzy and he collapsed to the ground.
His eyes were redder than before, his legs were weak, his head was spinning and he felt completely unable to understand what was happening around him.
He tried to walk, but he didn't resist too much, so he had to crawl. No one was on the streets at that late hour, but someone was. The only person that was walking around in the city: Lynn.
Lynn was walking peacefully on the streets as he got out a cigarette and lit it up. He was looking around as he was smoking peacefully. He passed by some blocks and alleys and he heard some noises coming from an alley.
He immediately got his position and got out his gun. He started walking there, in silence, but as he took a peek after the corner to see from where the sound came, he saw Dexter, unable to walk properly, mumbling something not even he could understand.
He frowned as he put his gun back and ran to Dexter. He took his face and slapped him sometimes as he spoke to him "Dexter! Dexter! Dexter, say something to me! It's me, Lynn!"
Dexter could only mumble some things as he let himself fall into Lynn's arms. Lynn immediately calls his bodyguard to come and pick him up from an alley sour or five blocks away from the place he just left Paul.
Lynn tried to walk with Dexter, but he barely could. Dexter was self-conscious. He could see and hear what was happening, but he didn't understand.
Lynn got the shock of his life when he heard some police cars approaching them. "Great!" he mumbled.
The lights of the cars were now on Lynn and Dexter as two police officers got down and started walking toward them.
One of them said: "Hello, young man. What is happening here? Is this kid all right?"
Lynn, totally calm, answered: "Yes, he's with me, officer. He's my boyfriend. We went to a bar and he drank a little too much."
"He seems self-conscious. Are you sure this is just from consuming alcohol, sir?" he got out a notebook.
"Yes, officer. He rarely consumes alcohol, and when he does, he is getting too drunk." Lynn answered.
The officer thought a bit. He seemed not to believe Lynn too much. He wanted his ID card and Lynn gave it to him. After some minutes of interrogation, the policemen let Lynn and Dexter go.
Lynn got Dexter in his arms and ran to his car which wasn't too far. He sat in the backseat with Dexter and Paul drove off as fast as he could.
Dexter rested his head on Lynn's shoulder as he closed his eyes. Lynn sighed and caressed his cheek as he let him rest.
Lynn whispered: "That man is wild..."
"He did this, sir?" Paul asked as he looked in the mirror back at Lynn and Dexter.
"I think yes. Dexter isn't walking this late at night just because he wants... and not in this state. He must be so tired... He seems drugged up."
Paul sighed. "Truly... Dexter is a sensitive guy. He won't resist this wildness of his too much. We should talk to Louis to take him slower."
"Talk to that asshole? He won't even listen to us." he said a bit revolted.
"We should try. For Dexter, sir."
Lynn looked at Dexter with soft eyes. He felt so guilty for what happened now to Dexter... That he had to suffer, like him.
When he arrived home, he placed Dexter in his bed and watched him sleep for a few minutes before he sighed and went into the kitchen to drink some wine.
He leaned on the couch, deep in thought. He was thinking of how to solve everything and make things easier for Dexter. Then, he realized that what Paul said was true. He liked Dexter. He wanted to help him, and he will in every way possible. If he had to kill Louis now, he would.
Soon enough, he came and sat next to Dexter and took him in his embrace, hugging him tightly. He rested his head on Dexter's and then he fell asleep. He was worried for him, more than he was for his own life.