After some minutes spent on the flower field, Lynn finally arrived in front of Dexter's block and he decided to go up with Dexter so he could make sure that he is all right.
Up, in front of Dexter's apartment, he invited Lynn to stay over for some minutes, at least to smoke a cigarette, but he said "I'm sorry Dexy, but I have to create a fight with that motherfucker that just poured drugs down your throat."
Lynn then turned around angrily as he got out his packet of cigarettes and put one in his mouth. Dexter looked at the ground while his fingers were nervously playing.
"Be careful, will you promise?" he asked shyly.
"I will. I'm going down to smoke a cigarette, then I'll go. Take care of yourself." Lynn said, his voice giving a sign of concern.
Dexter nodded and then closed the door of his apartment. Lynn smoked his cigarette outside and then headed to his boss's office to ask for some explanation.
When he arrived right in front of Louis's door, he knocked, almost silently, and said "Boss, is me."
Louis told Lynn to enter in an annoyed yet happy tone as he put his papers and pens away. "Take a seat." he said as Lynn entered his office and closed the door behind him.
"I know I usually come here for very useless things, but you took it too far this time, sir." Lynn said as he dragged the chair in front of Louis's desk and sat down.
He raised an eyebrow. "Huh? What do you mean?"
"I understood all these years your sadistic obsession for people that can be under your control, but to drug them up? Really?" he said in a pretty angry tone.
"What I do and with who isn't your concern, Lynn, my dear. If I want to drug them, I do it. Or is this against you?"
"Sir, please excuse my following words, but I'd rather do anything for you than to walk and see in the middle of the night a man, not even able to walk and self-conscious, wandering around on foreign alleys of the city. It's unacceptable."
Louis was pretty surprised by Lynn's little speech, but he just shrugged and said "I don't know what you're talking about."
"Yeah, sure. You never know what I'm talking about because you never did anything wrong!" Lynn said sarcastically.
Louis's face got serious. "If you're not welcomed by this then you can just take your damn boy and leave the organization. I won't stay to tolerate such nonsense from you. Is that understood?"
Lynn frowned a bit. He couldn't leave the organization. Not yet. He then just nodded silently and then spoke to Louis in a very calm voice, almost like he begged.
"I didn't ask you to stop doing what you do to him, I just wanted to stop you from drugging him. That's all. Please, sir, don't do it. He's a very sensitive man, he can get very affected by this."
Louis rolled his eyes. "Fine. It's the last thing I do that you ask me to. I just had a little packet of drugs and I didn't know who to use it."
Lynn felt relieved and then he bowed his head. "Thank you, sir. I will search to repay you for this."
Lynn then got up and left his office without any other word. He could finally sigh in relief after he heard his boss's approval.
After the conversation between them, Louis kept his promise and didn't drug Dexter, even though he came into his office more hesitant than ever.
The process was the same: after Dexter finished his shift at the café, Lynn waited for him and then he would bring him to Louis. Again and again every day.
Lynn became a bit suspicious about this because he knew Louis was a very bored person by nature and he needed to get bored of seeing only Dexter, but it wasn't like that. Lynn stood and consulted this with Paul after he dropped off Dexter at his office.
Paul was driving and Lynn was next to him. He placed his hand on his chin as he asked Paul "Do you know why the boss has such a soft spot for Dexy?"
"I can't tell, but I saw it too. He's slowly obsessing over him. I can't understand it either, sir." he said.
"It's already been two and a half weeks. How does that sound?"
"It doesn't sound like a time for Louis. It normally takes only a week and a maximum of two but that's it."
"Let's just hope it will be over soon."
Paul's car passed by the flower field and Lynn remembered those few minutes spent with Dexter there. He liked that. He wanted to experience such a thing again.
Suddenly, Paul's phone rang and the screen showed Louis's name.
Paul answered. Lynn listened carefully.
"Yes, boss." Paul started.
"Paul? Are you with Lynn by any chance?" Louis asked.
Paul looked at Lynn and then answered "Yeah, we're going out of the city. Why?"
"Come back to my office right now."
Paul raised an eyebrow. "May I ask why, boss? What happened?"
"Oh well basically, this prick here started screaming out Lynn's name and wouldn't let me do anything until I won't call Lynn and told him to come here." Louis sighed.
"Where is Dexter now?"
"He's on my couch. He won't talk or move until Lynn won't get here. So please, come to my office as soon as possible."
"Understood, boss. We're coming right now."
Paul hung up and turned the car to the opposite way and accelerated it.
"What? What happened?"
"Louis said that Dexter started to scream your name and he wouldn't move or say anything until you don't get there." Paul explained.
"Hah, what's gotten into him?"
"Maybe he's only a bit shocked and upset about everything that happened to him."
"If that's it, then why so sudden? And why me?" Lynn asked confused.
"Maybe he considers you the closest person to him. Or maybe he misses you. You told me you don't talk to him while you drive him to the boss's office and neither he does. When was the last time you talked to him?"
Lynn placed his hand on his chin. "I guess... a week ago."
Paul raised his eyebrows and his face screamed the word 'seriously?'.
"Then I guess that's the problem, sir. He wants to spend time with you."
Lynn's eyes widened in surprise. He looked down at his feet and sighed.
"Maybe you should bring him to your house this night, sir." Paul suggested.
"Maybe I should what?" Lynn asked a bit unpleased by the idea.
"I just said, sir. Dexter kind of misses you." Paul said.
Lynn couldn't say he didn't want to bring Dexter to his house, he was just trying to process what just happened and how he could manage to repair the situation.