Paul and Lynn soon arrived at their boss's office and rushed to enter. As soon as he opened the door, Lynn's eyes went right to the couch, and saw Dexter. A sudden memory came into his mind.
He was staying as close as he could to the back of the couch and as secluded as possible. When he heard the door opening he raised his head immediately to see who it was.
Paul walked to the desk where Louis was staying and completed some paperwork and Lynn walked to Dexter to see if he was ok.
Lynn got down on one knee and placed his hand on Dexter's. His voice was calm and caring, despite the cold and mad tone he always used.
"Are you all right? What happened?" he looked into his eyes.
Dexter's eyes filled with tears as he jumped into Lynn's embrace, holding him as tight as he could and squeezing his shirt.
His voice was weak and tired, and he refused to let go of Lynn.
"I want you... I..." his voice suddenly broke while he kept crying.
Lynn looked behind at Paul and he was staring at the two. And so did Louis.
"Boss, do you think you can skip some days? He's tired and needs a break." Paul said, very concerned, but then he turned around to Lynn and winked.
Louis sighed and rolled his eyes. "Fine. He's anyways not even into this. Do whatever you want with him, but I won't let him go like that. He has three days."
"Thank you, boss! Lynn, let's go." Paul turned to them.
Lynn tried to get up, but Dexter was still holding onto him. Lynn got Dexter into his arms and walked after Paul out of their boss's office.
They walked up to Paul's car and got up, Paul in the driver's seat and Lynn with Dexter in the backseat.
Dexter's arms were around Lynn at his house. He refused to let go of him, but Lynn didn't seem bothered by that at all.
Paul dropped Lynn and Dexter off at Lynn's house and then made his way back to the city. Lynn carried Dexter to his couch and let him there to calm down.
Lynn turned around to go into his bedroom to bring Dexter a blanket, but he didn't let him leave.
"Stay here... please..." Dexter begged Lynn.
"I'm going to the bedroom to bring you a blanket and then I'm coming back. I won't leave you here." Lynn assured Dexter.
After Dexter begs Lynn to stay next to him and Lynn explains over and over that he just wanted to bring him a blanket, he finally let Lynn go into his bedroom.
Lynn brought a blanket and covered Dexter with it as he sat next to him and placed his arm after his shoulders, pulling him closer.
Dexy let himself be dragged into Lynn's arms as he slowly closed his eyes. Suddenly, Dexter asked something that Lynn didn't have an answer to.
"Why don't you talk to me on the way?" he asked with a sad yet relaxed tone.
Lynn's eyes widened. "Uh... umm..." he stuttered.
Dexter raised his head and their faces were so close their lips almost touched. "Hm?"
Now Lynn was getting all red instead of Dexter. He stood for some seconds and thought before his mind went completely numb as Dexter kissed his cheek. Dexter placed his hand on his chest and rested his head on his shoulder.
Lynn cleared his throat and finally said something. "Why don't you do it then?"
"Because I know that you get mad easily and you mostly get mad at me. You always look so serious and angry when you're with me and I didn't want to bother you. But I miss spending time with you and talking to you. It calms me. I enjoy being with you."
Lynn chuckled. "I know I always look serious, but I won't get mad at you. Never. All right? If you want to talk to me, you can, no matter how busy, mad, nervous, or focused I am. Will you promise?"
Dexter slowly nodded as he sighed heavily like he was relieved to hear that from Lynn.
"And also, I'm sorry for not talking to you. I'm not smarter enough now to lie to you and I guess nothing can excuse what I did. I'm sorry."
Dexter was completely shocked by Lynn's sudden change. He noticed it, but he didn't say anything.
He showed Lynn the sweetest smile he had before leaning forward and pressing his lips against Lynn's. Lynn placed his hand after Dexter's neck and pulled him closer.
After Dexter pulled back, he looked into Lynn's eyes and smiled again. Lynn couldn't help but smile too.
After some time, Dexter fell asleep on Lynn's shoulder and Lynn decided to let him sleep, so he let Dexter on the couch as he did some things around the house.
Meanwhile, Lynn fed the cat that usually came to his house, made dinner for him and Dexter, ate a snack, and then went to take a shower.
While Lynn was in the bathroom, Dexter woke up somewhere in the middle of the night and looked around after Lynn when he heard the water pouring into the bathroom.
He got up and slowly went to the kitchen. As he was looking around, something caught his attention. It was a knife holder.
He glared at it for some seconds before approaching it and looked at each knife with attention. His thoughts started to spin into his head. He again felt alone and with no meaning in his life.
His hand was placed on one of the knives with a brown handle. He took it out and looked at its sharp and long blade.
He was holding the blade towards his chest and slowly approaching it while holding the handle tight.
He was sick of what was happening to him and he just wanted to end it all as soon as possible. The knife was his best option right now.
The top of the blade touched his chest and made a little hole. Blood started to drill onto his clothes. His breath was steady as the blade slowly touched his chest.
He was ready to do it.