The moon is beautiful, isn’t it?

Lynn and Dexter played a bit with the cat that always came to Lynn's house on the terrace. Lynn watched with a lovely smile how Dexter fed the little cat with so much happiness.

"Do you like this cat so much?" Lynn asked while giggling.

"Yeah. She's cute." he said with a smile while petting the cat's head.

Lynn started laughing. "It's a he." he chuckled.

"Oh..." Dexter said and then started to laugh too. "Then shall we give him a name?" he smiled at Lynn.

He shrugged. "Do whatever you want. I won't promise you I'll call it by your name."

"Aww, why not?" he asked with a sad face.

"I said that I don't promise I will. Don't be sad about that." he shrugged again.

"All right. I'll think of a name for this little fluffy ball." he smiled and got up.

"Dexter? Do you like going on walks at night?" Lynn asked as he leaned against the wall with his arms crossed.

"At night?... Uh, I guess, if I'm not alone. Why are you asking?" he tilted his head as he raised an eyebrow.

"Wanna go have a walk? I know a beautiful place. Since it's getting pretty dark very early I thought we might go to dinner in the city at a restaurant. What do you say?"

"To be honest, I love your food." he looked away, his face getting red. "Is this a date?"

Lynn's eyes widened as his eyebrows raised. "Date?... I didn't think of it like that... I guess we can call it a date if you want to." he smirked.

Dexter blushed a bit more and approached Lynn. He looked up at him and smiled. "Then let's go."

Lynn smiled back. He gently took Dexter's hand and kissed it. "Sure." he said.

Dexter blushed like hell at this gesture, but in the end, he followed Lynn to the car and got up. While Lynn drove, the night had fallen over the city and the lights were all on.

Lynn drove the car to an unknown place by Dexter. On their way, Dexter asked "Where are we going?"

Lynn smirked. "Hm, surprise." he teased Dexter.

Dexter's smile faded as he crossed his hands. He wanted to seem sad so Lynn could tell him where they were going, but he failed miserably.

When Lynn stopped the car, Dexter noticed that they were on a bridge. Upon a lake. The car was parked on a wonderful wooden bridge with benches and lights on it. It was such a relaxed atmosphere.

Dexter got out of the car followed by Lynn and walked up to the edge of the bridge as he was holding onto the wooden border. He looked at the city that was showing behind the lake he was stunned. Lynn came behind him and watched the view too.

"Pretty amazing, isn't it?" he asked smiling, putting his hands in his pockets.

"Yeah..." Dexter answered lost in the view.

"We'll go into that city to have dinner, but later. I guess you what to spend some more time here." he smirked.

"Yeah, it's beautiful. How did you know about this place though?" he asked curiously.

"None of your concern. I do magic. Just enjoy the view." he made a sign with his head for him to watch the city.

"Seems like we're all alone here." he wandered as he looked around.

"I chose kind of the perfect time, didn't I? Being alone with Dexter on a wooden bridge over a lake? Hard to find such a thing." he mocked Dexter.

"Haha, very funny. Though this place looks kinda romantic, doesn't it?" he smiled as he turned around to Lynn.

"Romantic? Why are you thinking that?" he raised an eyebrow.

"I mean... Us two, alone here, with such a beautiful view and with a forest behind us... It's kinda the romantic vibe." he explained.

Lynn just sighed and looked away a bit embarrassed. Dexter noticed and decided to embarrass him more, so he leaned forward and kissed his cheek.

Dexter smiled innocently as Lynn glared at him. "You're beautiful." Dexter said.

"What?" he raised his eyebrows in shock.

"I said that you're beautiful. Am I not allowed to say that?" he chuckled at Lynn's embarrassment.

"Ugh... Fine... I'll accept it this time..." Lynn groaned annoyed.

"Yay!" Dexter said with a happy smile as he hugged Lynn.

He hugged Dexter back and kissed his forehead. When Dexter pulled back, Lynn asked with a smirk as he looked up at the sky "The moon is beautiful, isn't it?"

"Yeah, it sure is." he said as soon as he spotted the moon, not understanding what Lynn meant.

Lynn started to laugh.

"What?" Dexter asked confused.

"Dexy, Dexy, you don't have poetic culture, do you?" he chuckled.

"What do you mean?!"

"The sentence I said before is a poetic way of saying 'I love you' in the Japanese language." he explained as he looked into Dexter's eyes.

"Huh?!" he blushed a bit as he looked away. "What does the moon have to do with the fact that someone loves another person?!" he asked as his cheeks flushed.

Lynn looked at the reflection of the light in the water and spoke "The moon is a sign for love because its immense distance from the Earth is a metaphor for how powerful and far-reaching love can be." he explained.

"And what's with the quote though?" he raised an eyebrow, still red as Lynn explained.

"They said that somewhere between 1867 and 1916, during a Japanese teacher's teaching years, he overheard a student translating 'I love you' awkwardly into this translation: 'Ware Kimi wo Aisu'. After that, this nuanced translation of 'the moon is beautiful...' was born." he was smiling as he explained.

Dexter was too stunned to speak. "H-how do you know so much? Since when are you in poetry? How do you know Japanese so well?"

"I only know a bit. I'm good at pronunciation." he shrugged. "So you understood now?" he tilted his head.

Dexter just nodded. "Yeah... You're amazing!" he said, his eyes sparkling.

Lynn chuckled. "So, the moon is beautiful..." he looked up at the sky and then at Dexter. "Isn't it?"

Dexter was getting a bit panicked. "Uh... H-how do I respond to that?"

"Depends on what you have to say." he smirked.

"I want... Of course... I want to say 'I love you too', but I don't-" Dexter wasn't able to finish his sentence because Lynn grabbed his face and pressed his lips against his.

When he pulled back, he smirked. "Just do this next time. As an answer." he winked.

"Oh..." that's all he said before blushing.

"So, should we make our way to the city?" Lynn asked.

"Yeah... Sure... L-let's do it..."

Lynn gave him one more smile before grabbing his hand and started walking to the car. Dexter was the happiest he had ever been, and he had two more days to spend with Lynn before hell will come again. Or maybe not?