The next day, after a hard and long night, Dexter woke up in a different room, different from the ones he slept in. He got up and stretched and then he remembered he and Lynn were still at the club, in one of the rooms. He looked behind him and saw Lynn sleeping peacefully.
He smiled and then got up. He searched for his clothes around the room and found them on a chair, along with Lynn's clothes. He again looked at the bed and then on his entire body and it was all clean. He wondered if Lynn did that, but he just took his clothes and started to dress up.
Dexter sat down on the bed and gently shook Lynn's shoulder, telling him to wake up. Lynn opened his eyes and seemed bothered by the fact that he needed to get up but he just groaned and in the next few seconds, he was up on his feet.
He went and grabbed his clothes. He came back and sighed as he sat down on the bed. Dexter wondered if he was mad or something.
"Are you ok?" Dexter raised his eyebrow and sat down next to him.
"Yes. Why wouldn't I be?" he said with curiosity in his tone and looked at Dexter.
Dexter shrugged. "I don't know. You seem mad."
Lynn smiled. "As long as I am with you I can't be mad. I'm mad when I think about that idiot." he sighed.
"Who? Louis?" he tilted his head, frowning.
"Yeah. He's making me wanna punch him only when I see his face. I can't stand that he's using you for his pleasures." his jaw clenched.
"I understand," Dexter placed his hand on Lynn's. "But what can we do about it? I truly slept well these nights and I look better than I did. I guess I just need to resist." he gave Lynn an encouraging smile.
After some moments of silence, Dexter continued. "I appreciate that you do everything you can, but I guess you can't do much more than that."
Lynn sighed and then furiously got up. He grabbed his phone and called Paul. He told him to come and pick them up in five minutes. Lynn let his phone slip into his pocket and then turned to Dexter.
"Let's go." he smiled.
Dexter smiled back and followed Dexter down at the bar. Lynn sat down and so did Dexter.
"I told Paul to come and have a drink and then we can go wherever you want." he said to Dexter.
"Okay." he spoke in a happy tone.
The same barman from the other day came and asked what to bring them. He was a bit scared when he saw what stare Lynn threw him when he looked at Dexter, but he tried not to seem too obvious.
Dexter told Lynn to get something to drink and he will just have a sip. The barman immediately brought Lynn his drink and he showed him a smug smile, as sweet as he could but it was still very bitter.
In a few minutes, Paul came and sat down next to the two, ordering a glass of Whisky. The club was pretty much empty since it was morning. People frequent the club only after the sun is setting, so it was silent, despite the music in the background.
"So, where to?" Lynn asked Dexter.
"I don't know... I'd be happy only staying in the house with you." he smiled.
Lynn looked at Paul and he shook his head as he shrugged. "Don't look at me, sir." he said.
"Then I guess we're spending our time at home today... Or maybe..." his grin grew wider on his face. He looked away and smiled. "Maybe we can stop on our way there... in the flower field..." he turned his head to Dexter and saw him smiling in pure happiness.
"Yes! You're the best!" he squealed as he hugged Lynn tight.
Lynn smiled and drank the last sip from his glass. He kissed Dexter on the forehead and he raised his head to look at Lynn's face.
"You smell of alcohol." he smiled.
"No shit Sherlock. I just drank a whole glass of wine." Lynn chuckled.
Dexter couldn't help but laugh at his sentence. "Right."
"So, shall we start to head where we have to?" Paul intervened.
Dexter nodded and so did Lynn. They left the club and Paul drove to Lynn's house, stopping next to the flower field on their way.
For some good minutes, Paul and Lynn followed Dexter through the field, laughing and smiling seeing how childish Dexter can act. It was the first time in a long time they have been so happy.
As Dexter was walking to a tree in the middle of the field, Paul and Lynn followed from far away.
"Haven't seen Dexter so happy." Paul said.
They were silently walking after Dexter as they kept their hands in their pockets. Dexter was screaming and telling them to hurry up.
"Yeah." Lynn sighed heavily like he had taken away a great weight off his shoulders. "I haven't either. He seems to enjoy this field."
Paul nodded. "Do you know why, sir?"
Lynn carefully thought about it, but nothing came to his mind. "I don't know if he told me, and if he did I might have forgotten. Maybe it has a special meaning?"
"Maybe. We will never know until we don't ask, sir." he smiled.
Lynn sighed and looked at Dexter who was already sitting next to the tree. "I will find a time once and ask him."
Paul smiled and nodded. They hurried and sat down next to Dexter who was full of smiles.
"What took you so long?" he chuckled.
"Walking. It's not easy to run like you without tripping and falling. You're smaller than us in every way. You're just like a child." Lynn said.
"Excuse you! I'm 23! Still growing here! Despite you two that are almost in your thirties, right?" Dexter looked at Lynn and then at Paul. They both nodded.
"I'm starting to understand why you like being here. It's relaxing." Paul smiled as he looked at the road ahead of them. The sun was already setting and colored the sky in wonderful shades of yellow, orange, and pink.
"See? I told you it's beautiful here. Thanks for wasting your time to come here with me." he smiled.
"Wasting our time? Never. You're more important than all the time in the world, Dexy." Lynn placed his hand on his.
"Since when are you being so romantic, sir?" Paul couldn't hold back a chuckle.
"Shut it." he said in response.
Dexter was still smiling. They all got up and walked to the car as Lynn and Dexter were holding hands. Paul dropped Lynn and Dexter at Lynn's house and he left. The night made its presence.