Chapter 11 He Is A Soldier

If Jefferson was right, the man in the photo that he saw in her house was her ex-boyfriend.

As for the scar on Selena's arm, it was the product of trying to save his subordinates. 

His impression towards her had once again changed. 


Sandy was too angry with Eva and Hamilton, so she didn't really notice the man standing next to Selena. 

All of a sudden, it got awkwardly silent. The man in front of her captivated her entirely. 

The man was at least 1.8 meters tall, and wore a fitted suit that accentuated his perfect figure. 

His facial features were perfect, as though someone had sculpted them onto his face. His gaze exuded cold arrogance and dominance as if he was a king ruling over the world. 

However, his deep gaze was focused on Selena as thoughts flooded his mind. 

"Selena, come here." Sandy pulled her aside, asking, "Who's that man? He's so handsome!"

"I don't know him..."

"Even if you don't, you have to admit he's handsome, right? He's totally my type!"

Selena frowned and advised, "Sandy, a word of advice. You should stay away from this man."

"But he is so handsome!" Sandy cupped her face in admiration, her imagination clearly wandering to places where it shouldn't. 

"Sandy, you studied medicine, right? Shouldn't you know better then?"

"Know what?"

Selena pursed her lips and said, "In nature, it's said that the prettier the animal, the more venomous it is. Similarly, the more handsome a man is, the more dangerous he is. Don't get too close to him!"

Since Selena didn't lower her tone and Jefferson had exceptional hearing, he naturally heard the conversation between the two women.

The last sentence left a smirk on his face. 

She said that he was dangerous, but didn't that also mean she had admitted his attractiveness?

Sandy tugged the corner of Selena's clothes, still unwilling to give up as she insisted, "You called him a dangerous man, but has he ever done anything to harm you?"

"Who said he didn't?" Selena paused for a while, starting, "He..."

He tore open my clothes and even forced a kiss on me!

Fortunately, she reacted quickly and stopped saying anything absurd. 

Although she remained silent, Selena's face suddenly turned red, finally adding some colour to her pale face. 

Sandy pestered, asking, "What did he do to you?" 

"It's nothing."

Right then, a man in an olive green military uniform ran towards them.

Sandy whispered, "Selena, look, someone from the army..." 


Since the Advancist Hospital had just treated a group of injured soldiers, it was not strange to see the army here. 

However, the young soldier ran and stopped in front of them. Then, he stood upright and saluted Jefferson in respect. 

"Report! Commander Fenoli, there are nine wounded in the special forces from three groups. They have all been treated in Advancist Hospital, and all of them are safe. That's all!"

Jefferson nodded slightly and saluted back to the young soldier.

Jefferson and the young soldier were just reporting as usual, but Sandy and Selena were stunned.



The two of them gasped. 

Selena pointed at Jefferson incredulously. 

She bit her lower lip, trembling slightly from the blood loss and shock...